Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Dancin' cowboys?
Grevas--Daniel J. (Class of 1977)
Dancers entertain students at the Union; photo.
2 Rape/SA intervention program expands; reporting and combating rape main focus
Sharon Cook, coordinator of Rape/Sexual Assault Intervention for Black Hawk County, tells what the Rape/SA intervention program consists of.
3 UNI named third UNI named third in the nation for raising money at spring's danceathon.
4 UNI: entering second hundred years of service A review of the past one hundred years of UNI.
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# Article Article Summary
5 McCarthy support
Stephenson--Walter (Public Safety Staff)
Walter Stephenson encourages students to get out and vote.
6 Student art gallery a good idea Lists benefits for having a student art gallery.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Hardee's: "intolerable"
Lash--Kenneth (Art Faculty)
Kenneth Lash discusses his opinions on eating at Hardee's in Maucker Union.
8 Prophecies
Kimball--Jack F. (Education Faculty)
Gives five prophecies for the 1976-77 university year.
9 UNISA committee openings are listed Listing and description of the UNISA committee openings.
10 Untitled
The Hill is quiet on a Sunday afternoon; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Rush Week
Grevas--Daniel J. (Class of 1977)
Description of the Greek rush week at UNI; photo.
12 Science fiction Professor Thomas J. Remington spoke about science fiction in the modern literary scene at the Midwest Science Fiction Research Association Conference.
13 Sessions offered
Women's Center is offering sessions for the personal growth and development of women.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Graffiti greenhouse
Students write messages on the UNI Greenhouse; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 "The Western Wind" to open music series; to honor UNI's hundredth birthday Centennial Chamber Music Series at UNI has four performances scheduled for the season.
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# Article Article Summary
16 A look back at UNI's history A brief look at UNI's last one hundred years; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Chemistry Club Will meet.
18 FCA Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet.
19 German Club Will meet.
20 Historical Association and Phi Alpha Theta Will hold organizational meeting.
21 International Student Association Will meet.
22 Softball intercollegiates Will hold meeting of women interested in the team.
23 What's Up? Activities and meetings.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Open Seminar Seminar being offered by the Culture of the Ghetto Program.
25 Rehearsing . . .
A theatre-music major practices a dance; photo.
26 Technology degree offered New baccalaureate program will be offered at UNI to fill void.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Assignments to be given Information about student teaching assignments given.
28 FUNION '76 Union Policy Board announces first annual Union Open House.
29 Housing solution
Live-in Companion program offering jobs and housing for UNI students.
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# Article Article Summary
30 A Sports Column
DeBerg--Curtis L. (Class of 1967)
Believes UNI campus has a need for girl-watching or guy-watching club.
31 Gridders upend Waldorf
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Junior varsity football scores two late touchdowns to beat Waldorf.
32 Harriers place seventh at Ames
DeBerg--Curtis L. (Class of 1967)
Coaches pleased with the runners' strong finish.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Jim Ferree--S. I. D.
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Profile of UNI sports information director, Jim Ferree.
34 Linksters to Drake
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Men's golf travels to Des Moines to compete.
35 Men's intramurals Intramural flag football will begin September 21.
36 Women golfers fifth at Wisconsin
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Golfers win their first competition of the year.
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# Article Article Summary
37 CPB workshops Douglas Vernier and others will conduct four radio fund-raising workshops.