Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Go get 'em Women race to find their shoes at a celebration; photo.
2 New general education at UNI; pilot program first step
New committee studies the effects of a pilot program for general education at UNI.
3 Wood, long-time theatre director, passes away Professor Stanley Wood died; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 A look at general ed Pilot program for general education program is being tested at UNI.
5 In defense of Hardee's
Dennis Nelson defends Hardee's right to be in the Union and on UNI's campus.
6 More on sex segregation
Morgan--David Lloyd (Philosophy and Religion Faculty).
Morgan expresses his opinion on the Faculty Men's Club.
7 Roberts answers Chabert
Roberts--Ronald Edward (Sociology Faculty)
Ron Roberts defends the thought of integrating the Faculty Men's Club.
8 Sexism vs. racism
Riley--Glenda Gates (History Faculty)
Glenda Riley compares the Men's Faculty Club and sexism to racism.
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# Article Article Summary
9 "Fun in the sun" Industrial Technology Club and Student Home Economics Club host combined membership drive.
10 "Hard Rain:" mixed success
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Review of Bob Dylan's first television special, "Hard Rain".
11 Celebrates Anna B. Lawther's birthday Annual Lawther Hall olympics were held.
12 Graduation info Information for those seniors who expect to graduate.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Hiduke draws Two of James Hiduke's drawings were published.
14 Parking ticket change advised
Four motions to change parking tickets were introduced to the Faculty Senate meeting.
15 Wood replacement set Richard Edwards named director of "The Madwoman of Chaillot".
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# Article Article Summary
16 English department to host dinner
Department of English to host dinner to celebrate one hundred years of teacher education.
17 UNI "hot spot" for bike thefts
Police officials plan anti-theft prevention program for bikes on campus.
18 Untitled
Student makes a transparency at his job; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Brenden on KCRS Ann Brenden will present a Student Senate information program on KCRS.
20 Weavin' . . . . Children weave at the UNI Day Care Center; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Benefit dance Women's Self-Health Group are sponsoring a fundraiser dance.
22 Book recognized Charles Wheeler writes about Willie Powell's life story and his affliction with muscular dystrophy.
23 Stigmas attached to fraternities; criticisms hashed and rehashed
Davies--Nancy (Student--1975-1976)
Profile of Greek system and the criticism surrounding it.
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# Article Article Summary
24 ASID Will meet.
25 Canoeing organizational meeting Will discuss trip to Wisconsin River.
26 Chi Alpha Will meet.
27 Christian Science Group meets every Monday.
28 DECA meeting Will meet for lecture on value of professional organizations.
29 Enrollment could be highest ever
Notes from the Faculty Senate meeting.
30 Hake sets talk Herbert Hake and the UNI Museum will recognize UNI's centennial.
31 Hantula writes James Hantula publishes article.
32 Le Club Francais Will meet.
33 Pantherettes Seeking women who are interested in assisting at swim meets.
34 Spanish honor society Sigma Delta Pi will meet.
35 UNI chess players Meet every Thursday.
36 Words and Voices Will present Truman Capote's work.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Tae Kwon-do disciplines mind and body; separate sport from Karate
Wible--Pamela J. (Classes of 1977 and 2002)
Description and history of Tae Kwon-Do at UNI; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
38 A Sports Column
DeBerg--Curtis L. (Class of 1967)
UNI soccer team has been assembled for the 1976 season.
39 Field hockey opener in Dome
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Women's field hockey opens season in the Dome.
40 Ruggers host Grinnell Veteran rugby team opens its season.
41 Soccer club meets Loras Soccer team opens its season.
42 UNI gridders host UN-O Mavericks
DeBerg--Curtis L. (Class of 1967)
UNI faces tough Nebraska-Omaha team; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
43 Harriers open dual season Men's cross country travels to Des Moines to compete.
44 Lady linksters on the road Golfers travel to Illinois State to compete.
45 Netters in triangular
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Women tennis players expect tough competition in Ames.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Conservation Club plans camping trip
UNI Conservation Club plan events for the year.
47 Faculty concert Faculty concert is scheduled.