Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Administration misinforms public; findings on $565,000 Dome transfer
Questions arise from source of $565,000 for payment of Dome flooring.
2 Dole speaks Republican vice-presidential nominee, Robert Dole, to speak in Hudson and Waterloo.
3 Fall fun Members of men's track team jog on a fall day; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 More Hardee's 'nonsense'
Feels previous editorial written on Hardee's was expressing his frustrations.
5 O'Halloran support
Believes Mary O'Halloran has represented UNI well.
6 O'Halloran support
Believes Mary O'Halloran is a good representative for UNI in state legislature.
7 The impact of collective bargaining
Chrysler--Earl (Business Faculty)
Gives background information on collective bargaining and how it would work for faculty.
8 Up with Hardee's
Feels Hardee's is doing a good job.
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# Article Article Summary
9 KUNI presents old radio program special KUNI and KHKE to present special programming for KUNI MARATHON fundraising event.
10 More on O'Halloran
Gives support to Mary O'Halloran who is running for representative of the 36th District.
11 Questions grad letter
Voldseth--Edward V. (Vice President)
Has questions about previous editorial written concerning a method of teaching foreign languages.
12 Quintet performs Northern Brass Quintet to perform.
13 What time is it? Does anyone know? Talks about problems with correct settings on clocks throughout campus.
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# Article Article Summary
14 "Square peg in a round hold" not right; push to make University aware of handicapped
Wible--Pamela J. (Classes of 1977 and 2002)
UNI Committee for Handicap Awareness meets to make university aware of needs of handicapped students; photo.
15 Intramural confab at UNI; to tour UNI facilities Region III Conference of the National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association to meet on campus.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Countess hit of play; second act makes up for first
Review of "The Madwoman of Chaillot".
17 Openings Union Policy Board announced positions for ongoing committees.
18 Painting contest College Hill merchant windows available to paint for Homecoming.
19 Postman money Scholarship available for child or grandchild of an Iowa Postmaster.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Band recordings Recordings of the UNI Wind Ensemble are available for purchase. Years available are: 1965/66, 1966/67, 1969, 1971, and 1976.
21 IFT convention Iowa Federation of Teachers to hold 1976 convention on UNI campus.
22 Music Dept. gives concert; first performance of U. Chorus UNI Wind Ensemble and University Chorus to perform. First performance ever for University Chorus. Evening performances dedicated to Stanley G. Wood; photo.
23 Octoberfest in Commons Ballroom Annual Oktoberfest to be held in Commons Ballroom.
24 Speakers meeting Controversial Speakers Committee will meet and discuss possible speakers.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Alumni activities Plans for Homecoming activities for alumni are set.
26 Homecoming plans set; variety show to kick it off
Plans are established for Homecoming.
27 Museum program Bill Cramer, former student, to present program on collecting political memorabilia.
28 Plant sale Students look through the selection of plants from the ASID plant sale; photo.
29 Union dance KCRS to sponsor disco dances.
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# Article Article Summary
30 "How to Survive"; Women's Center topic Consumer rights, legal rights, basic budgeting, and career and job hunting skills are topics to be discussed at a series of workshops sponsored by Cedar Fall-Waterloo Women's Center.
31 Court being revised; reduce number from 3 to 2
UNI student court system to be revised by reducing number of courts from three to two and increasing monetary fines.
32 Rapp session Steve Rapp, Democrat candidate for 3rd district congressional seat, to speak as part of Department of Political Science lecture series.
33 Rental referral
Listing of available apartments can be obtained from UNISA.
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# Article Article Summary
34 BEOG grants Basic grant application must be completed to be eligible for any grants.
35 Foreign seminar offers view of other cultures Scandinavian Seminar is accepting applications for study abroad program.
36 Frank coordinates new PACE project after $74,247 grant Personalized Adult Counseling Experiences (PACE) receives funding from the Iowa State Department of Public Instruction.
37 Swims to start Parents and children of University-connected families may swim in the Women's Pool Sunday afternoons.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Harriers seeking improved times
DeBerg--Curtis L. (Class of 1967)
UNI will compete in a race at the Wisconsin Invitational this Saturday.
39 J.V. stomp William Penn; running game awesome
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Panthers win, 44-19, in the Dome.
40 Netters end season
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Women's tennis finishes its season
41 Soccer club hosts Cedar Rapids Soccer club set to play final home game.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Field hockey away UNI will compete in the Midwest Umpiring Conference in Iowa City tomorrow.
43 Intramural news List of events that are coming for intramurals.
44 Soccer--more than just a football game; increasing in popularity
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Description of the game of soccer.
45 UNI Dames busy Booster Club sponsoring a UNI athletic coach as their guest speaker each month.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Auction success Industrial Technology Club made about $850 in an auction last Tuesday night.
47 Marketing Club Will hear about careers in insurance administration.
48 What's Up? Activities and meetings.