Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Celebration" "Celebration" has been selected as next year's Homecoming Variety Show.
2 A wizard?
A student plays pinball in the Union; photo.
3 Homecoming parade Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Information on the Homecoming parade and floats.
4 Marilyn Horne to perform; next Artists Series performer Marilyn Horne will be the next performer in the UNI Artists Series on October 26. Profile of Marilyn Horne.
5 Regents increase tuition by 10% Board of Regents will increase tuition for the three Regents universities. List of rates for 1977-79.
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# Article Article Summary
6 24-hour visitation working Support 24-hour visitation at Rider Hall.
7 Collective bargaining: another view
Olson--Dale Wilson (Physics Faculty)
Believes there are other points about collective bargaining that need to brought up for discussion.
8 More on O'Halloran
Adams--Debbie (Student--1995)
Gives support to Mary O'Halloran, candidate for state representative.
9 O'Halloran support
Gallagher--James (Student 1976; General Assembly)
Support for Mary O'Halloran, candidate for state representative.
10 Still questions on adm. Actions Further questions on the nature of the $565,000 payment for the UNI-Dome floor.
11 Urges work through system
Says any complaints of Union Services need to be brought before the Union Policy Board.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Brenden helps UNI decrease tuition hike
Ann Brenden, UNISA president, spoke to Regents to ask for a ten percent raise in tuition rather than a twelve percent increase.
13 GTU confab Gamma Theta Upsilon to host booth at the West Lakes Conference.
14 Rec club plans
Recreation Club plans Halloween party for socially handicapped and underprivileged children.
15 Swim hours changed New hours at the Women's pool.
16 UMR to Drake Janice Hildreth, Fred Fotis and Barbara Beddow to make presentation at the Upper Regional Association of College and University Housing Officer.
17 UNISA election Special election to be held.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Democrat dance Young Democrats to sponsor dance to meet candidates running for office. Steven Rapp, Ted Anderson, Mary O'Halloran to be in attendance.
19 Football tickets Homecoming football tickets for sale.
20 Henscheid Ed Henscheid to give informal concert at Maucker Union.
21 History lecture Phi Alpha Theta to sponsor lecture given by Professor Donald Whitnah.
22 Planning session tomorrow Women's Center to hold planning session.
23 Teaching science topic of first NSTA seminar Success of first pilot chapter of National Science Teachers Association at UNI prompts national organization to start other chapters. Local chapter to sponsor first seminar on October 21.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Boots honored Myra Boots given award by the Iowa Speech and Hearing Association.
25 Give a hell Yelling contest to be held at Homecoming game.
26 Rappelling Master Sergeant Harley Kaiser to take group to Steamboat Rock for rappelling.
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# Article Article Summary
27 A Sports Column
DeBerg--Curtis L. (Class of 1967)
Feels Homecoming is a time to show spirit.
28 Harriers place fifth
DeBerg--Curtis L. (Class of 1967)
Men's cross country team places fifth in University of Wisconsin Invitational.
29 Judo tournament
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
AAU men's and women's judo tournament to be held. Guest instructors include Inn Kim and Jim Wooley.
30 Netters place
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Women's tennis places fifth.
31 Panthers wallop Wildcats; defense shines again
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Strong defense leads UNI to 38-0 win.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Union Program Office sets non-credit courses Seven mini-courses offered through Maucker Union Program Office.
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# Article Article Summary
33 A.S.I.D. Will make plans for Omaha trip.
34 Accounting Club Will discuss internal auditing.
35 Conservation Club Will discuss trip to Yellow River.
36 European Community Marie-Jose De Saint Blanquat will speak.
37 Self determination of nations Professor Whitnah will speak at Phi Alpha Theta meeting.
38 Untitled
A student enjoys the weather; photo.
40 Woman's gymnastics team Organizational meeting.
41 Women in Business Will discuss interviewing.
# Article Article Summary
39 What's Up? Activities and meetings.
42 Words and Voices Will hear Halloween stories.