Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 It's cold out here!
Grevas--Daniel J. (Class of 1977)
Students walk to class in cold weather and snow; photo.
2 Richter to give energy environment workshop Profile of Professor Richter.
3 Seven Spanish instructors resign; an explanatory letter to the editor in Friday's IOWAN
Officials unwilling to state reasons for resignations.
4 Swiss Mime Troupe next in Artists Series--January 24 Profile of the group.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Andrew Gold "What's Wrong With this Picture?"
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
6 CPP should be used now Now is the time to visit the placement center.
7 Emmylou Harris "Luxury Liner"
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
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# Article Article Summary
8 Kamerick sees bright future for UNI; campus profiles
Rank--Dan (Class of 1978)
Profile of President Kamerick; photo.
9 Smiths popular on UNI campus
Common Christian and surnames on campus.
10 Student teaching Interviews scheduled.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Planning groups Will help students make decisions about careers.
12 Pozzatti works on display in Union Profile of Rudy Pozzatti.
13 Tutors needed to aid area children in basic skills Doris Gates talks about the program run by UNI-CUE.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Employers take part in informal campus visitation Opens channels of communication between employers and university.
15 Frat rush Schedule of events for this week.
16 Summer jobs
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# Article Article Summary
17 Panther cagers drop two key NCC clashes
UNI loses, 70-68, to Augustana and, 78-68, to South Dakota State.
18 UNI swimmers float to easy win UNI wins all but one event, defeating St. Cloud State, 81-32.
19 Women cagers go 6-2
UNI defeats Mr. Mercy and Iowa Wesleyan.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Iowa House instigates statewide phone access Library provides phone access to news and information about the General Assembly.
21 New reputation for Interpreter's Theatre
Wible--Pamela J. (Classes of 1977 and 2002)
Words and Voices changes name to Interpreters Theatre; Professor Scott explains background and purposes of the group.
22 Ski trip Union sponsoring trip to Waverly.
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# Article Article Summary
23 College life Will see new Chuck Colson film.
24 Free disco dance Greek representatives available to answer questions about Greek life.
25 UNI Rec Club Will meet.
26 Untitled
A student enjoys a game of table tennis; photo.
27 What's Up? Activities and meetings.