Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Big time
Grevas--Daniel J. (Class of 1977)
A student watches a program on the Union's new big screen TV; photo.
2 Fox: "Worst fears are confirmed"
Moravec--Jeff (Class of 1977)
Professors Fox and Crownfield offer their views after the first collective bargaining sessions; photo.
3 Three instructors back; other four gone
Three instructors return to Spanish classes; four instructors have had their resignations accepted; few details are available.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Dorm damage deplored Angry that so much petty damage should be done.
5 In the faculty, apathy's back Believes more faculty should have attended first collective bargaining session.
6 No letter Northern Iowan states that Professor Nordarse has submitted no letter to the editor.
7 Spanish instructors tell why they've resigned
Chung--Beatrice Cruz (Modern Languages Faculty)
Blame their resignation on "an internal, personal conflict with specific elements of our department", but offer no details.
8 Support for instructors
Thanks Spanish instructors for their good work.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Auction topic of program Maxine Schwanke will make presentation on Wild-Wood House.
10 Conservationists battle for land
Bud Heinselman speaks on behalf of the Boundary Waters area.
11 Legislative forum Area legislators will meet with citizens.
12 Mummenshanz A Swiss mime group performs; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Regents approve faculty leaves List of faculty and their projects.
14 Ruffo named dean Professor Ruffo will serve on acting basis following resignation of Janet Travis.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Abuse of women Discussion on battered women will be held at Women's Center.
16 Course to be offered for ed secretaries Will offer non-credit course on psychology of human resources.
17 Craft classes Schedule of classes.
18 Etchings featured in exhibit Pratt Graphics Center Travelling Exhibition on display.
19 Minorities needed in co-op program
20 TV set installed in Union
Wible--Pamela J. (Classes of 1977 and 2002)
New big screen TV, costing over $3000, is available.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Beavers crush crippled Panthers
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
UNI loses, 31-7, to Oregon State.
22 Hoopsters divide contests
UNI beat NIACC, 65-49, after losing to Wartburg, 89-38.
23 Men cagers away
Will play in North Dakota.
24 Tankers take on tough Tigers Will swim against University of Missouri.
25 UNI gymnasts at St. Cloud State Will compete in seven team invitational.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Seedlings donated to campus landscaping Paul and Joy Sires donate forty chestnut seedlings for campus plantings.
27 Sexuality workshops deal with attitudes toward sex Description of the program.
28 Student gallery Meeting for those interested in displaying their work.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Intramurals Women's gymnastics will begin.
30 Spanish Club Will play Spanish card games.
31 UNI Varsity Men's Glee Club Seeking new members.
# Article Article Summary
32 What's Up? Activities and meetings.