Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Callahan announces plans for '77-'78 UNISA
Janet Callahan, UNISA president, calls for productive year and states plans for the year; photo.
2 Discount for UNI?
New discount card to local businesses may soon become available to UNI students.
3 UNI accused of polluting stream Tests are being conducted as to the nature and origin of the orange-colored sludge is in Dry Run Creek; photo.
4 Where did the fountain go? A new drinking fountain has been ordered and will be installed once it has been received.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Forum cancelled; Baker upset
Gerald Baker, a school board candidate, was quite upset to receive a note saying that the Forum for the year had been cancelled.
6 Off the Record
Record enrollment, the new column developed, letters to the editor, and campus grounds.
7 Roll-over Red Rider
Morgan--David Lloyd (Philosophy and Religion Faculty).
The debate continues on what the money should be spent on, equipment needs or salaries.
8 Wants equip and money
Schwandt--Lynn C. (Laboratory School Faculty)
A faculty member would like both salary and equipment needs met..
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# Article Article Summary
9 Circle K Description of the purposes and goals of the organization.
10 New gen ed. program to be considered
Vorman--Julie A. (Class of 1979)
Professor Jensen talks about the proposed new program.
11 Tomahawk sale ends semester
Fall book sales reach $18,500; theft seems to have been reduced.
12 Women's Center Will hold get-acquainted meeting and elect officers.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Funion: should be a winner
Rank--Dan (Class of 1978)
Schedule of FUNION activities.
14 Museum Will present program on Egypt.
15 Newcomer News
Description of activities available in the Union.
16 Poetry award Stephen Volk wins national award.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Live performance is best for theatrical endeavors
Professors Williams and Maberry talk about Reader's Theatre and Theatre UNI productions; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Corbin receives award Professor Steven Corbin recently received a distinguished service award.
19 Guvs broadcast National governors conference will be broadcast over KHKE.
20 Openings Positions available on UNI presidential committees.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Hard at it
Coleman--Duff A. (Class of 1979)
Construction workers prepare to finish their task before the colder months; photo.
22 Science dept. lands $250,000 grant
Cahill--Mary E. (Class of 1981)
Professor Ward discusses the development of new general education, computer instruction, and other courses.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Five o'clock practice
A student watches as the soccer teams practices; photo.
24 Reception Professor Rhum honored by Graduate College.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Basically for the off-campus
Tips for off-campus students on parking and cheap living.
26 Hearst display Library exhibit honors James Hearst.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Panther footballers after first victory
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
Panthers lose, 37-28; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Golfers tee-off fall season: busy schedule
Women's golf team excited about challenging new season.
29 Harriers open in ISU invitational The men's cross country team opens what it hopes will be a great season in the ISU Invitational.
30 Linksters triumph
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
UNI men's golf starts new season with a win.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Circle K Club Will hold first meeting.
32 Fencing Club Will hold organizational meeting.
33 Folk Dance Club Meets Tuesday.
34 Funky Friday Fellowship and recreation every Friday at Judson House.
35 Intercollegiate softball Applications available.
36 Intramurals Open workouts for women's gymnastics.
37 KCRS Looking for announcers.
38 Office personnel Will hold meeting.
39 UNI Judo Club Looking for new members.
40 Untitled A intended invitation was shot down with a message on a window at the greenhouse; photo.
41 Weight room Hours for women's exclusive use.
42 What's Up? Activities and meetings.
43 Women's gymnastics Organizational meeting.