Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Bluegrass returns
Musicians played bluegrass music for the people in the Union; photo.
2 RHA rejects student unification plan: UNISA not pleased by decision
Vorman--Julie A. (Class of 1979)
The plan to unify student government was rejected Sunday night by the Residence Hall Association.
3 UNISA Senate gives approval to action plan The action plan will be negotiated with the administration.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Grateful Dead here The Grateful Dead will appear at the UNI-Dome as their only stop in Iowa.
5 Job doesn¿t come on silver platter
Phillips--Gary S.
Strongly disagrees with recent recounting of student teaching experience.
6 More bad apples
Angry that someone had torn out pages from library book.
7 Wasted Union Blues
Dorm food attacks student in a dream.
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# Article Article Summary
8 "Dreaming of Babylon" not the best from Brautigan
Rank--Dan (Class of 1978)
Book review.
9 Programs in education Glenn Clarkson will speak on innovative programs in education.
10 Sexuality workshop announced A workshop discussing attitudes towards sex is scheduled.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Discussion There is a discussion scheduled about the Baake case in the Union.
12 New location used for ride board-need a lift?
Information on what the rides board is, and where it is located in its new position.
13 Story time "Charlottes Web" will be aired on KUNI.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Art gallery to open Programs leading to the opening of the new Gallery of Art.
15 Evangelist movement on KUNI KUNI discusses the topic of being "born again-the new Evangelists".
16 Imagist painting by Ed Pascke Ed Pascke is one of the artists featured in the new Gallery of Art; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Union Station to open in March?
Information about the new sundry store in the Union, called The Union Station, and the renovations of the Keyhole room.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Fireside evening English Department will sponsor an evening with entertainment in the Union.
19 Plan to reorganize Towers to be voted on Thursday Residents will vote on the plan to layer each of the Towers dorms.
20 Regents handle routine business Regents approve Men's Gym roofing project; will review Professor Quirk's promotion grievance.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Kick-off week starts Kick-off week for the marathon "Dance for those who can't" information.
22 Ski trip UPB sponsors ski trip is to Waverly, with instructors.
23 Tomahawk: more than a booksale
Mary Gaffney talks about the purposes and activities of the organization; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Probation officer training Information for students who want to become volunteer probation officer assistants.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Lady hoopsters win first game
The first game against Mount Mercy was not successful for UNI, 73-63, but the next game of the weekend against Simpson was, 90-87, in overtime.
26 Panthers top Bison and ND
Men's basketball won over North Dakota, 51-49, and North Dakota State, 59-58.
27 Tumblers take third in tourney The women's gymnastics team placed third at the Iowa Invitational.
28 UNI tracksters lose
Although UNI track claimed six first place finishes, Iowa State beat them, 71-60.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Gymnasts tumble Men's gymnasts lose to St. Cloud State, 172.80-137.70.
30 Run Kelly Run
Coleman--Duff A. (Class of 1979)
Kelly Ellis pushes forward to win the 60-yard dash.
31 Untitled
Coleman--Duff A. (Class of 1979)
A view of the basketball game against North Dakota; photo.
32 Untitled
Coleman--Duff A. (Class of 1979)
UNI battles it out for the rebound; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Accounting Club Will meet.
34 Cedar Falls Men's Awareness Collective Sponsoring support group for men.
35 Council for Exceptional Children Will prepare for national meeting.
36 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Will meet.
37 Tomahawk Will hold pledge parties.
38 UNI Tae Kwon-Do Club New classes starting.
39 What's Up? Activities and meetings.