Issue Contents

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1 The Old Gold returns! Staff prepares 1978 yearbook; difficulties of getting started again; photo.
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2 Where are all the UNI alumni? Maps of United States and Iowa showing where alumni live.
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3 Dear UNI, There's good news and bad news. Your friend, Uncle Sam Close look at the extent to which the federal government is involved in the operations of UNI and the lives of its students.
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4 Sailing, sailing to the Bahamas blue
Jorgensen family sails extensively; photo.
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5 Everyone is special Curriculum and practical experience of special education students; photo.
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6 Bill Lang changes job titles again Professor Lang will take emeritus status this spring; extensive tribute to his years of service to UNI; photo.
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7 Gallery size, selection lures new art director Sanford Shaman will be new director.
8 Moving day for Speech/Art First theater production scheduled for February 15; equipment and furnishings arriving; forty apartment addition to married student housing under construction; photo.
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9 Klinkowitz publishes five books on same day Books on contemporary fiction published in four countries.
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10 J. S. Latta gives $90,000 for academic scholarships Will be designated for students in biology, business, education, and intercollegiate athletics.
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11 John & Stacey Wahl: Petal People Profile of couple who photograph and write about flowers; photo.
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12 Dorothy Tostlebe Ray--an expert on Alaskan Eskimo culture, history Profile of work of Dorothy Ray; photo.