Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Are you sure it's down there?
Cedar Falls workers are installing sanitary sewers east of the Towers.
2 How rich are thou? Salaries of faculty.
3 UNI employees meet with Gov. to protest working week: Flextime experiment discussed
Committee meets with Governor Ray to ask that they be allowed to participate in flextime experiment.
4 Who cancels classes? Kamerick and Regents
Reth--Mona J. (Class of 1979)
President Kamerick talks about the process of making the decision of canceling class; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Blitz #2 date set A possible dance is in the planning by KCRS, the campus radio station.
6 Head athletic trainer responds to charges made in letter: Opinions on P.E.C. vary
Believes that weight training facilities are adequate.
7 Student thinks changes are needed in suit service rules
Complains that men are required to buy suit service, but women are not.
8 Thinks UNISA vote a violation
Robinson--George William (Class of 1978)
Believes amendments should be been published.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Basic grant 3800 UNI students receive Basic Grant.
10 Computer testing Linda Kelsey will talk about self-paced instruction.
11 Craft courses offered in Union List of craft courses being offered in the Union.
12 Do you want to vote?
Although very few people voted (393), the constitution that UNISA proposed was passed; photo.
13 Simon's "Goodbye Girl" reminiscent of Cinderella: NI movie review
14 UNISA decides not to approach Regents in Feb. UNISA is not going to talk to the Board of Regents about their sixteen point program.
15 UPB openings Information for students who want to be on the Union Policy Board.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Home Ec sure ain't what it used to be¿
Students participate in activities in the new laboratory for Home Economics; photo.
17 UNI's Home Ec. major--more than cooking and sewing: modern laboratory added
Cahill--Mary E. (Class of 1981)
James Canada talks about the curriculum; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Diane Opatz: singing better today than yesterday
Karbula--John Charles (Class of 1979)
Diane Opatz, a music major, is profiled as she works to reach her goal of becoming a professional singer; photo.
19 Speakers highlight workshop: child abuse
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# Article Article Summary
20 Did you make over $2,200?
Two members of the Accounting Club assist students in the filling out of tax forms; photo.
21 Yearbook ready by May: after 8-year absence
Despite an eight year lapse, the yearbooks are again on sale.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Porno mags: booming business at UNI
Local retailers talk about sales of magazines that could be considered pornographic; photo.
23 Scuba diving Information about a school-sponsored scuba diving trip to the Grand Cayman Islands.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Faculty salaries for 1977-78 are listed List of salaries for a portion of the faculty.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Apply now for summer orientation positions Positions open for the summer orientation staff around UNI.
26 Art for sale
Students sold paintings, sculpture, jewelry, and other art in the Union; photo.
27 Hungry fans at Dome
A look at the amount of food consumed at main events in the Dome.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Basketball spotlight
A feature about Ron Lemons, and his place on the basketball team.
29 Crucial games for cagers
The men's basketball team looks toward a difficult weekend, as they attempt to regain first place.
30 Grapplers win
Fridley--Richard L. (Class of 1978)
The wrestlers win their fifth straight competition, with a 22-15 win over Nebraska-Omaha.
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# Article Article Summary
31 2 meets for tankers The men swimmers take on Wisconsin-La Crosse and St. Cloud State in home meets.
32 Hoopsters host UW-L The women's basketball team gets a second chance to host Wisconsin-La Crosse in the UNI-Dome.
33 IAIAW tourney
The women swimmers go up against Iowa, Iowa State, Grinnell, Luther, and Cornell, hoping to win.
34 In control
Coleman--Duff A. (Class of 1979)
The match is won as Kirk Myers holds down his opponent; photo.
35 Ski race set for next Friday Ski races scheduled, both for beginners and experienced skiers.
36 Track
The track and field team host the University of Nebraska-Omaha, and Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Catching up
A student studies in an empty classroom; photo.
38 Fencing Club Will hold organizational meeting.
39 PBL Will hold meeting and party.
40 Phi Upsilon Omicron Will hold social.
41 Senior recital Dalene Smith and Diane Opatz will perform.
42 Torch and Tassel Will work on service project.
43 Valentines Sigma Alpha Iota offers singing Valentines.
44 What's Up? Activities and meetings.