Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Assertive workshop here Friday Patricia Jakubowski will present workshop; photo.
2 C. F. Council postpones sidewalk proposal again Background on the proposal to pave a sidewalk along University Avenue heading toward College Square.
3 Future star? Unidentified youngster throwing a pass; photo.
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4 Pre-theology student criticizes Christians; protests methods used by some groups
Thoms--Paul David (Class of 1979)
Paul Thoms gives reactions to "If I Should Die" film.
5 RHA V-P advises residence hall student how to effectively complain about the noise
Residence Hall Association vice president outlines for students the course of action for dealing with noise offenders.
6 UNISA helps students
Student believes that things can be accomplished at UNI by working through the channels of the UNISA.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Access to the N. I. Is easier than you think; editor invites criticism, comments, further use of newspaper Julie Vorman tells readers how they can react to or be a part of the NI.
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# Article Article Summary
8 UNI: home of the arts
Grand Opening of the Gallery of Art features de Kooning exhibition; photo.
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9 Great Cross Country Race opens
Goettsch--Teresa A. (Class of 1981)
Annual young people's production.
10 If I should die . . . . Campus Crusade for Christ sponsors film presentation.
11 Union sculpture UPB will commission artwork to commemorate tenth anniversary of Union.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Security aid provides Ray constant protection
Governor Robert Ray visited UNI; Sergeant Harry Braafhart was on campus to provide security; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Sun shines on UNI Homecoming 1978
Scenes from Homecoming activities; photo.
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14 House candidates Glenn, Diemer at UNI Sandy Glenn and Marv Diemer state their positions on the issues; photo.
15 Panel advocates state ERA ratification
Panelists tell why support of ERA is important.
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16 History lecture Professor Vajpeyi will speak on India.
17 Octoberfest
Brief summary of activities.
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18 JV cheerleaders tryouts.
19 What's Up? Activities and meetings.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Rugby club wins UNI rugby club beat Palmer College on October 14, 12-4.
21 Turnovers plague UNI; disappointing Homecoming loss
Coleman--Duff A. (Class of 1979)
UNI lost its Homecoming game against Western Illinois, 21-7; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Golfers finish strong UNI women's team finished first out of six teams in home meet held October 13-14.
23 Runners second in MCC; eastern first league champs
UNI placed second in the Mid-Continent Conference meet on October 14.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Untitled Clown in Homecoming parade; photo.
25 Wrestlers draw together during preseason; reasons behind Panther's success
A look at the upcoming wrestling season and Panther team.