Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Green scene The annual Green Scene Sale will be held. Students can make donations to the UNI Greenhouse.
2 Martin promises decision on Schokkenbroeck case
Provost Martin will make a decision regarding the termination of Alegonda Schokkenbroeck.
3 Rise on fines A proposal for parking fine increase is being sent to the Board of Regents.
4 Son of a birch
Photo of a birch tree shedding its bark; photo.
5 UNISA meeting The UNISA will hold its final meeting on Wednesday May 9.
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6 Disappointed in Northern Iowan's "Fiddler" review
Students feel that the review of "Fiddler on the Roof" was too harsh.
7 Says NI should not editorialize on candidates
Takes--David L. (Class of 1981)
Feels that the Northern Iowan should stop writing editorials about the candidates and should not endorse any one candidate.
8 Thanks for map
Union Policy Board
Union Policy Board thanks the Class of 1979 for their gift of a map of campus.
9 What does Kamerick do?
Feels students should know what the duties are of our university's president.
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10 Ad exec speaks on the stereotypes in the media
Barbara Proctor, a Chicago businesswoman, spoke at a luncheon in Cedar Falls.
11 Award to Poage
George Poage was the recipient for the first Garst Memorial Award, presented April 21. Poage is a professor of history at UNI and has served as consultant for the Model United Nations.
12 Board of Student Publications Will meet to discuss the summer schedule.
13 Gallery of Art Student and faculty exhibitions will be May 15- June 24.
14 Orchesis Will meet in the Women's Gym.
15 Recreation majors Will meet in the Union.
16 RHA grants Dara Boelman and Layne Rasmussen received grants from the Residence Hall Association.
17 Tomahawk book sale Tomahawk is looking for books for its annual sale.
18 Women athletes Scholarship recipients need to sign up in the athletic office.
19 Women's Studies Association Will meet at Tony's on the hill.
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20 "Eccentric" art unique, not odd
Review of the exhibit "Northwest Eccentric Art."
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21 "Norma Rae"--trivial and sexist?
Review of the movie "Norma Rae."
22 Art profs Professor John Page was featured in an article of the Iowan Magazine.
23 Faculty concert UNI's faculty concert will be tonight in Russell Hall. Featured faculty members are Marcia Drigs and Barbara Phillips.
24 Jazz band The final jazz band performance will be May 11. The concert will feature original works by senior music major Paul McKee.
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25 Pumping Lead
Hoing--Dave (Class of 1979; Library Staff)
Featured student works of fiction, poetry, and art.
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26 Panthers take two MCC titles
UNI won the number two and number six singles titles.
27 Witham award The 1979 UNI James Witham Swimming and Diving Award has been awarded to Jamie Hancock.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Rugby rassle Photo of UNI facing high winds as they played west of Bender.
29 Soccer club
UNI has won three games in the last week, bringing its record to 5-0.
30 UNI falls to ISU
UNI was defeated by ISU in a dual meet, 92-62.
31 Varsity beats Alumni Varsity triumphed against the Alumni with a score of 25-14.
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# Article Article Summary
32 "Fiddler on the Roof"
Ruse--Thomas E. (Class of 1981)
Scenes from performance of the "Fiddler on the Roof.; photo.