Issue Contents

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1 Old Gold Title page;photo.
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2 Seeing is believing Scenes of campus throughout the year; photo.
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3 One day in the life of a UNInaut A poem comparing the space launch to the very aspect of life as a student; photo.
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4 Academics Aerial view of UNI campus; photo.
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5 Administration helps initiate change President Kamerick has helped bring new and modern facilities to university campus. Board of Regents set up standards for general admission requirements for the purpose of fees; photo.
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6 College of Business and Behavioral Sciences The primary function of Business and Behavioral Sciences is instruction. Students received individualized instruction through field experiences; photo.
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7 School of Business The School of Business prepares students for leadership opportunities in the business world; photo.
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8 Business Education and Office Administration Many students who are undecided between teaching or working directly in Business and Industry are attracted to the department of Business and Office Administration where they learn to use typwriters, duplicating machines, calculators; photo.
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9 Economics The Economics Department deals with three things; economic stability, economic growth, and resource allocation; photo.
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10 Geography The geography department deals with things such as patterns of urbanization, agriculture, population characteristics, economic behavior, surface features, a photographic laboratory; photo.
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11 Department of History History Department teaches students American, Asian, European, and Latin American History; photo.
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12 Home Economics Home Economics Department does more than cooking and sewing. Students learn to look for changes in consumer products and use laboratory facilities, food, clothing and nursery school with an observation booth; photo.
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13 Department of Political Science Classes in the Department of Political Science are centered around the political system. Political Science Department sponsors a trip to DC each year during Spring Break to help students learn our political system; photo.
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14 Department of Psychology Many courses in the department have laboratories, in which students have opportunity to collect and anlayze data. The department offers a liberal arts and teaching major.
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15 College of Business and Behavioral Science Honoraries Members of the honorary societies from the College of Business and Behavioral Science.
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16 College of Education Since its establishment in 1876 as the Iowa State Normal School, UNI has maintained one of the outstanding teacher education programs in the state. College of Education sponsors conferences, workshops, writing and research; photo.
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17 Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum and Instruction focuses on early childhood education, elementary education, middle school/junior high, high school education, and driver's education. It also operates a reading clinic and instructional laboratory for special education; photo.
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18 Educational Psychology and Foundations Educational Psychology a Foundations has four graduate degree programs. The department is responsible for the common professional sequence required of all prospective teachers; photo.
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19 Library Science Librarians deal with much more than books. They also have to deal with the latest communications media. The library is used extensively by students from this department; photo
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20 Physical Education for Men The Department of Physical Education for Men offers a program of study to prepare students for careers in physical education instruction, coaching, athletic directors, recreational leaders, and health instructors; photo.
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21 Physical Education for Women The degree in Physical Education offered at UNI is with a teaching certification for all grade levels; elementary, junior high, and high school. It also includes a coaching certification. Facilities include Women's Gym, 3 classes, archery range; photo.
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22 School Administration and Personnel Services The Department of School Administration and Personnel Services prepares students for administrative and counseling positions. Courses include leadership, school laws, management, supervision, administration, and counseling techniques; photo.
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23 Special Education The Department of Special Education provides professional training for students working with children and youth displaying behavioral, learning, retardation, and multiple handicaps; photo.
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24 Teaching The Malcom Price Laboratory School is a major tool for students doing their professional sequence. The teachers teach regular classes, while UNI students observe; photo.
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25 College of Education Honorary List of honor students from The College of Education.
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26 College of Humanities & Fine Arts The College of Humanities and Fine Arts trys to provide all UNI studentss a broad liberal education in the arts and humanities for both graduate and undergraduate. It comprises of Art, English Language & Literature, Modern Languages, Philosophy; photo.
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27 Art Department of Art has offered the finest training for prospective teachers. The art program is geared towards teacing, in areas of history, design, drawing, jewelry making, sculpture, photography; phot.
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28 English Language and Literature English Language & Literature includes areas of study in Linguistics, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, American Studies & Journalism.
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29 School of Music The School of Music offers a complete and varied music education, including a balanced curriculum in teacher training. Facilities include recital hall, a music library 50 practice rooms; photo.
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30 Philosophy and Religion By asking the simple question "why," you are usually asking a philosophy or religion question; students not only learn about philosophy and religion, but they learn about themselves; courses in ethics, reality, values and knowledge are given;
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31 Speech Majors and minors in the department of Speech focus on interpretation, public address, radio and television, and theatre; this department is housed in the newly opened Communication Arts Complex; photo.
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32 Speech Pathology and Audiology A student majoring in Speech Pathology and Audiology qualifies them to diagnose and help correct disorders of speech, language, and hearing in both children and adults; practical training is based around the Speech and Hearing Clinic; photo.
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33 College of Humanities And Fine Arts Honoraries List of honoraries from the College of Humanities and Fine Arts;
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34 College Of Natural Sciences The College of Natural Science attempts to perform the basic academic functions of instruction, research, and service; the six instructional departments are: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Industrial Technology, Mathematics, and Physics; photo.
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35 Biology The Department of Biology offers many opportunities to students with scientific interests; the biology courses are mainly held in the newly constructed science building, also in an arboretum, two local forest preserves, and in a prairie preserve; photo.
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36 Chemistry Everything we come in contact with on a daily basis has a chemical makeup, and students in the Chemistry department study every facet of this; many Chemistry majors belong to the Student Chemistry Society; photo.
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37 Earth Science The Department of Earth Science offers classes in: astronomy, earth science education, environmental studies, geology, meteorology, and planetarium education; field work has become an integral part of the earth science department's courses; photo.
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38 Industrial Technology The Department of Industrial Technology offers students a wide range of technical options in programs that are designed for careers in education and industry, and in courses such as: communications, production, and power; photo.
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39 Mathematics Mathematics is a basic science; there are careers available in many diverse areas of Mathematics including teaching, industry, management, government service, and research; photo.
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40 Physics Physics is concerned with motion, forces, energy, and properties of matter; general physics, modern physics, electronics, acoustics and optics, nuclear physics, and solid state physics plays an important role in Laboratory activity; photo.
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41 College Of Natural Science Honoraries List of honoraries from the College of Natural Science;
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43 Mission: Celebrate Change
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44 V.I.P Very Interesting People
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45 Seasons Greetings: Students Celebrate
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46 UNI Ranks Third In The Nation
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48 The UNI-Dome
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49 The University of Northern Iowa Museum
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50 Maucker Union
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51 The University of Northern Iowa Library
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52 Commencement
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53 Apache House-Bartlett Hall There were 55 men on the second floor of Bartlett Hall in Apache House; their celebrations included a "Cowboys & Indians" party, and a "loincloth" party; photo.
54 Bartlett Hall The ten houses in Bartlett Hall were named after American Indian tribes; photo.
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55 Arapaho House-Bartlett Hall The 46-man house was located on the first floor of Bartlett Hall; "The Arapaho were reputed to be the noblest and most cunning of all Indian tribes," said Arapaho House president Brian Nicewanger; photo
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56 Cheyenne House-Bartlett Hall This house holds 60 women, who are proud to have Apache House as their Big Brothers; their activities included: mixers, a bowling and a skating party, and a pizza party; photo.
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57 Comanche House-Bartlett Hall The Comanche House has 44 members and they were very active with the intermural sports program; photo.
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58 Dakota House-Bartlett Hall Of the house members, 70 percent of them were new to the university; everyone who resided in Dakota House was new, as it was a guys house last year; photo.
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59 Kiowa House-Bartlett Hall The 47 members of Kiowa House have been very involved in many campus activities throughout the year; those included: Secret Santas, Homecoming float, Christmas Dinner Party, and open house for Parents Weekend; photo.
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60 Iroquois House-Bartlett Hall Michael Cumings, president of Iroquois House said, "The Iroquois were an Indian nation of six tribes. We have many foreign students. We come from many backgrounds, but we form a tight group;" a large percentage of the 55 men were graduate students; photo.
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61 Mohican House-Bartlett Hall The 74 male members of Mohican House comprised of graduates, undergraduates, and several students from abroad; they had Little Sisters, held a "slave auction," and enjoyed a regular Sunday "Leisure Hour;" photo.
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62 Seminole House-Bartlett Hall The 48 women of Seminole House were a combination of undergraduate, graduate, married, and foreign students; photo.
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63 Shoshoni House-Bartlett Hall Shoshoni house was named after the American Indian tribe, meaning "snake;" it's located on the ground floor, and houses 51 women; they were Little Sisters to a male house on campus, and Big Sisters to a group of children; photo.
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64 Second Floor-Bender Hall The second floor of Bender Hall houses 74 men; they're known as the Bender Hall intermural champions for football and softball; they also held the 2nd Annual Casino Night, and the 4th Annual Slave Auction; photo.
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65 Third Floor-Bender Hall The third floor of Bender Hall houses 50 women; these women won a prize at homecoming time for their elevator decorations; photo.
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66 Fourth Floor-Bender Hall This house, also known as Newbold is named after Paul Newbold, professor of human sexual habits at UNI for 17 years; one unique feature is that this house is the only fourth floor in Bender Hall; photo.
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67 Fifth Floor-Bender Hall Fifth floor of Bender Hall has 48 members; the uniqueness of 5th floor Bender is that "We're so damn vogue," claims House President Julie Winther; photo.
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68 Sixth Floor-Bender Hall A burger Award is given weekly to one of the 57 guys, for the most outrageous act on the sixth floor of Bender Hall; photo.
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69 Seventh Floor-Bender Hall Seventh Floor, also known as Pisces House, gives a weekly "Cone-head" award for the blunder of the week; the 50 women decorate an old-fashioned cookie type tree during Christmas time for their lounge; photo.
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70 Eighth Floor-Bender Hall Eighth floor Bender, also known as Briggs House is named after a former Iowa governor; solving world hunger and overpopulation before graduation was one of the special projects planned by this house; photo.
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71 Ninth Floor-Bender Hall The favorite saying on the ninth floor of Bender Hall is "Shoot Montezuma;" photo.
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72 Tenth Floor-Bender Hall House President, Steve Koeneke claims that his house has the lowest grade point average on campus; tenth floor Bender, also known as Herring House was named after Clyde L. Herring, who was governor of Iowa in the early 1900's; photo.
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73 Seniors List of senior graduates; photo.