Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Progressive' editor speaks here Monday; tried to print H-bomb story
Erwin Knoll, editor of The Progress, will speak about freedom of the press and prior restraint; photo.
2 NAACP, NORML seek UNISA recognition
Items discussed at the last UNISA meeting are given.
3 Talk about your fresh air friends!
Ruse--Thomas E. (Class of 1981)
Julie Dogotch works on a paper outside; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 'Boycott Coors beer'
Ritchie--Verna Ford (Library Faculty)
Encourages women not to buy Coors beer because of the company's practices against women's equality.
5 'Students least qualified to judge teaching methods'
Samson--Patricia Anne
Believes the proposed Course and Teacher Evaluation Handbook is dangerous and unnecessary.
6 Trivia contest winners
Letter congratulating the winners of the KCRS trivia contest.
7 Untitled
Cartoon depicts jogging outfit as a contribution to the history of the seventies.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Abortion: the Pro-Choice view
Karen Kapler presented the Pro-Choice views on abortion; states that the group was not pro-abortion.
9 Fair play
Photograph of weeds; photo.
10 Final grades to be due sooner
Several issues were discussed at the Faculty Senate meeting.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Enrollment On-campus students enrollments stands at 10,382; total number of persons enrolled in courses and special programs nears 13,000.
12 Physics equipment to be bought Equipment for the Department of Physics will be purchased with a $6068 grant from the National Science Foundation.
13 Separation, divorce discussed Two fall sessions sponsored by the UNI division of the Cedar Falls-Waterloo Women's Center are announced.
14 Trip to Chicago A trip to Chicago is being planned for the astronomy class.
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# Article Article Summary
15 UNI senior and grad run for council seat
Jim St. John and Elaine Pfalzgraf are both seeking to represent the Second Ward on the Cedar Falls City Council; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Observatory show A weekly program will be held in the Science Building that will include a visit to the observatory located there.
17 Writing workshop for profs William Van Til, Indiana State University, will present the "Writing for Professional Publication Workshop.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Second City comedians coming Second City, the comedy troupe will be performing in the Old Auditorium; photo.
19 Shakespeare trip A bus trip is planned to attend the Milwaukee Repertory Company's presentation of "The Taming of the Shrew".
20 Ubiquitious jeans in vogue at UNI
Blue jeans are the latest thing in fashion.
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# Article Article Summary
21 'A Lively Time' coming on KUNI A ten day special programming event will exhibit what public radio has to offer.
22 Kid Comic in Union Alex Cole, actor, trained musician, and comedian, will present his material at the Union.
23 Movie '10' rates no more than a 5
Review of the movie '10'.
24 Wind ensemble gives first concert Monday Joe Giunta, Waterloo/Cedar Falls Symphony, will be the guest conductor at the Wind Ensemble's first concert of the year.
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# Article Article Summary
25 A web of evergreen
Evergreens on campus; photo.
26 Faculty members wanted Faculty members are being sought to serve on the Latin American Studies Committee.
27 Tuba prof makes tour Fritz Kaenzig will take a ten day performing tour to seven Midwestern universities.
28 Yoga classes begin next week Stress management, Hatha yoga classes, and assertion training classes will be offered at the Women's Center.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Club sells candles The Varsity Men's Glee Club undertakes two fundraisers to help with expenses of their spring tour.
30 Crisis services offered
Phillips--Gary S.
Several programs are available to students facing a crisis situation.
31 Moscow pops to perform The Nekrasov Russian Folk Orchestra of the Moscow Pops is performing as part of the Artists Series.
32 What's up Meetings and activities; Live from Studio I; Alex Cole will perform; used book sale; La Mesa Espanola.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Awards open to composers Broadcast Music, Inc., offers $15,000 to composers in their 28th annual BMI Awards to Student Composers.
34 Learning Center not 'remedial'
Classes to improve your writing and reading skills are available at the Learning Skills Center.
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# Article Article Summary
35 JV 4-1 after beating Luther UNI beat Luther, 14-6.
36 Panther gridders face toughest foe
Cannon--Bill (Student--1979-1980)
Tomorrow night the Panthers take on Eastern Illinois.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Justis named as new SID
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
Nancy Ross Justis was named the new Sports Information Director; photo.
38 Roberts first in Oktoberfest race; four CC members participate Four members of the women's cross-country team competed in the Oktoberfest race.
39 Sexist gyms given new direction Approval of name changes for two buildings and the funding of new projects on campus were part of the Board of Regents' agenda last week.
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# Article Article Summary
40 Men favored in regional CC meet
UNI will compete in South Dakota tomorrow; photo.
41 V-ball over Drake in five games 3-2
Langguth--Teresa (Class of 1981)
UNI defeated Drake in the NU Fieldhouse.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Touring costume exhibit visits Strayer-Wood
Ruse--Thomas E. (Class of 1981)
The Touring Costume Exhibit from the Guthrie Theatre of Minneapolis is currently on loan at the Strayer-Wood Theatre.