Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Bond sale provides help for UNI-Dome payment The UNI Foundation sold $600,000 worth of industrial revenue bonds through the City of Cedar Falls.
2 Faculty dissatisfied with student evaluations
Faculty members held a meeting to discuss student evaluations; photo.
3 UNISA overwhelmingly defeats disbandment bill
Eighteen UNISA members unanimously defeated the bill calling for the disbandment or restructuring of UNISA.
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# Article Article Summary
4 'NI editorial makes sense'
Student believes that helping keep world peace should be the main concern of people.
5 'Prof. Stretching a bit'
Brown--Larry J. (Classes of 1967 and 1974; Modern Languages Faculty)
Feels the KGB is more active in its "subversive apparatus" than the CIA is.
6 Editorial argument valid
Carbone--David L. (Class of 1982)
Agrees with previous editorial on "concern for peace," and believes that war is usually precipitated by acts of aggression.
7 Senator is bewildered with NI
Cullen--Mark J.
Believes the Northern Iowan seemed to have significant knowledge of the UNISA disbandment bill even though no reporter attended either meeting when this bill was discussed.
8 UNI security nominated
Finch--Annie R. C. (English Faculty)
Students believe that a recently hired security officer should not have been let go because of his lack of education; believes experience should count also.
9 Untitled
Provides students with a new option for life after graduation.
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# Article Article Summary
10 'No more die-hard Americans to fight our battles'
Chabert--Henri L. (Modern Language Faculty)
Has negative feelings toward the draft.
11 Will Russian confrontation lead to holocaust?
Feels that writing a pro-draft letter in the name of patriotism is wrong.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Cedar Falls area boycott dwindling in strength The boycott of Coors in the metro area is not as strong as it once was.
14 New signs
Bender and Dancer Halls receive new signs this week; photo.
15 Support groups offered "Woman on her Own" and "Personal Growth" are two support groups that have openings.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Coors boycotted; unfair employment practices
Discusses discrimination charges against Coors Brewing Company.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Hurry! Co-op positions are going fast, according to program co-ordinator
Students are already applying for cooperative education positions for this summer and fall.
17 Oil situation appears better
James Lindberg presents a speech entitled "World Oil in the 1980's" ; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 'Art' thou present-hunting? Graphic art will be available for purchase for Valentine's Day.
19 SISEA to elect delegates, show film Karen Garbin, AEA-7, will make a presentation at the next meeting of the UNI Student Iowa State Education Association.
20 Student sandwich choices--tasty to tasteless
Students describe their most "creative" sandwiches.
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# Article Article Summary
21 'Klute' to be shown The movie "Klute" will be shown in the Union.
22 Photography exhibit lacks unity, meaning
Review of the art exhibit "Colorado Photographers"; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Devotional copy sought
Meek--Lori L. (Class of 1982)
Reports no responses to appeal for devotional material; photo.
24 Violinist Perlman plays Tuesday Itzhak Perlman will perform as part of the Artists Series.
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# Article Article Summary
25 UNISA election set for Feb.27 Election rules for the upcoming UNISA election.
26 Untitled Scott Warren and Madeline Hart will perform on campus; photo.
27 What's up Meetings and activities.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Matmen stomp Mankato
Ogden--John R. (Student--1979-1981)
The Panthers defeated the Mankato Mavericks, 41-5.
29 Overtime
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
Reports on the formal complaint filed against the athletic department and how Muhammad Ali is out seeking support for the boycott of the Olympic Games.
30 Women win fourth game play Loras tonight in Dome The women beat Luther, 57-50.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Three shining stars on Panthers' horizon
Cannon--Bill (Student--1979-1980)
Kevin Bradford, Ray Storck, and Dwayne Jackson are all freshmen who are contributing to the basketball team this season; photos.
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# Article Article Summary
32 A cross-section at Crossroads
Christmas sales for the Crossroads Center rose almost ten percent over the pervious years; photos.