Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 The tibia's connected to the . . .
Shaw--Jeffrey C. (Student--1980)
Mary Waldorf and Chuck Lamaak review the leg bones of a human skeleton in an anatomy class; photo.
2 UNI's MD dance marathon happens tonight, tomorrow
The dance marathon committee has set their goal to raise $55,000.
3 UNISA results inconclusive; run-off election Wednesday
A run-off election will be held between Chris Gammack and Kyle Thomas for UNISA president; tabulation of votes cast.
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4 'Destruction in Library'
Encourages students to photocopy the articles they want from journals rather than tearing out the pages.
5 Basketball attendance the only sour note
Thanks to the basketball team for an enjoyable season; the only thing that was a let-down was the number of fans at the games.
6 Division I not in the best interest of sports
Believes UNI is not ready to compete in a larger division.
7 Untitled
Discusses differences in professors' teaching policies.
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8 New shopping center may be built near UNI
A shopping center and apartment buildings may be constructed south of University and west of Hudson Road; adjacent landowners fear increased flood threat.
9 Senate changes emeritus eligibility
Armstrong--Kathryn R. (Class of 1982)
Retiring faculty may now be granted emeritus status regardless of age; title will be Professor Emeritus; Senate, department head, dean, provost, and president will approve.
10 Survey reveals student opinions, concerns about contraception
An on-campus survey on contraception was conducted by a 'Maternal and Infant Health' class taught by Millie Droste.
11 Unimpressed
UNISA president Craig Lathrop and V.P. Chris White observe the UNISA presidential forum held Tuesday; photo.
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12 Election day
Shaw--Jeffrey C. (Student--1980)
UNISA elections were held last Wednesday; photo.
13 Highest spring total of undergrads set Enrollment of undergraduate students, 9732 for the spring semester, is the highest ever according to the Registrar.
14 What's up Meetings and activities; hair cutting demonstration.
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15 Body massage kicks off '6 O'clock series'
A body massage demonstration is given Monday nights by E. J. Kortemeyer as part of the '6 O'Clock Series'. The demonstrations are open to the public.
16 Halls narrowing choices for R.A. jobs
Bob Hartman explains some of the desireable characteristics in a resident assistant, including good communication skills, the ability to relate to others, and the ability to make mature decisions.
17 Three times the effort
Shaw--Jeffrey C. (Student--1980)
Norm Berglund lifts weights; photo.
18 UNISA candidates favor change in system
UNISA candidates explain their positions before the upcoming elections.
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19 First Place Pi Kappa Alpha won first place nationally for the cover photo taken by Dan Grevas; photo.
20 Greek scene Recent activities at each of the Greek organizations.
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21 Synchronized swimmers perform tonight
UNI's swim club, the Marlins, will give a synchronized swimming performance Saturday night; photo.
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22 Dancers present 'Short Subjects' "Short Subjects", a dance concert, will be presented at the Strayer-Wood Theatre.
23 Plant sale at Commons A plant sale sponsored by the UNISA will be held today in the Commons.
24 Richard Gere creates appealing character in 'American Gigolo'
Meek--Lori L. (Class of 1982)
Review of the movie 'American Gigolo.'
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25 Touring exhibit A touring exhibit from Wichita State University is on display at the Strayer-Wood Theatre.
26 UPB president encourages students to help decide policies
Sue Winter explains the new system for selecting student members of the Union Policy Board. This new system will involve a series of interviews rather than the elections of the past.
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27 'Project: Universe' now offered
A televised astronomy course is now being offered through the Division of Extension and Continuing Education.
28 KUNI features live music KUNI will highlight live music on its Monday night lineup.
29 Sign language course draws wide variety of students
Professor Hugo Beykirch explains the areas covered in the Introduction to Sign Language course, including the differences between coded systems and American Sign Language, as well as providing basic signing skills.
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30 A Panther in every Division II class
Ogden--John R. (Student--1979-1981)
Ten wrestlers represented the Panthers in the Mid-Continent Conference.
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31 Patten at the helm for 16 years
Ogden--John R. (Student--1979-1981)
Profile of Chuck Patten; photo.
32 Weekend MCC meet for tankers
Koolbeck--Jeffrey R. (Class of 1983)
UNI competes in Youngstown, Ohio, in the Mid-Continent Conference meet.
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33 Martial arts 'alive' at UNI
It's UNI's first year to have a Martial Arts Club.
34 Roberts drops Title IX charges against UNI
Langguth--Teresa (Class of 1981)
Stacy Roberts has dropped her complaint; believes university has solid plans to offer women's cross country as an intercollegiate sport; photo.
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35 10-ball in the corner pocket
Shaw--Jeffrey C. (Student--1980)
Steve Krambeer lines up his shot during a game of pool; photo.
36 ISEA elects officers
Speakers from the Area Education Agency (AEA) will be featured at a meeting of the student ISEA. Officers from the Cedar Falls area will be elected during this meeting of the ISEA.
37 P.R. Club gets going The Public Relations Club will be holding its second meeting on March 4.
38 UNI pushes for grad stipend
Dean Ray Hoops is working to increase the stipend received by graduate students. The amount of money UNI graduate students receive is about half the stipend of other Iowa public universities.
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39 Twins Twins
Photos of four sets of identical twins at UNI; photo.