Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Balmy
Warmer weather has arrived at UNI; photo.
2 Cheaper by the pair
Ozark Airlines is offering reduced round trip fares for couples.
3 Gas and oil prices must increase to encourage further production Professor Donald Cummings offers his opinions on how to curb the fuel shortage.
4 RHA surveys students about housing, dining service, social programs
Langguth--Teresa (Class of 1981)
Newly elected RHA president Mary Gannon discusses her plans for the upcoming year. Part of these plans include finding out what the UNI student body wants its residence halls to be like in terms of alcohol policies and housing options; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 'Denies Christ is God'
Johannsen--Seth C.
Believes that The Way is not a Christian group, but a cult.
6 Cult 'wants your money'
Believes that a cult called "The Way" is trying to get students at UNI to donate money.
7 El dice 'Gracias'
Talbott--Robert Dean (History Faculty)
Thanks to the speakers from Nicaragua.
8 MDA 'job well done'
Thanks to Kim Stoll and the MDA Committee members for a job well done.
9 Questions about Title IX
In response to Stan Sheriff's remarks to Mr. McKinlay's questions.
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# Article Article Summary
10 College bowl competition this weekend The College Bowl Region X competition will be held in the Union this weekend.
11 Instructor uses aesthetics to spice up marketing course
Cawelti--Gerald Scott (Classes of 1965 and 1968; English Faculty)
Professor Scott Cawelti is teaching a marketing communications course; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Beta Beta Beta Meeting held.
13 Cooperative Education Program gaining popularity among students Allan Stamberg talks about the recent surge in popularity of the cooperative education program.
14 Draft teach-in Discussion of draft will be held.
15 Fellowship of Christian Athletes Will meet.
16 Gallery of Art Student exhibition and photographs by Roger Williams will be shown.
17 IaPIRG speakout Will discuss KUNI.
18 Industrial technology dinner Dinner will be held; program to discuss industrial arts education.
19 Kappa Delta Pi Will meet.
20 Marching Band Will meet to discuss possible trip.
21 Office Education Association Dr. Reed will speak at meeting.
22 PR club Will hold meeting.
23 Secret of loving Film shown by Campus Crusade for Christ.
24 Student Reading Association Dr. Joyce Redman will speak.
25 Tomahawk Will hold meeting.
26 What's up Meetings and activities.
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# Article Article Summary
27 CASE awards UNI's office of public information services received awards in regional competition of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. The entries that were awarded were an article by Susan Chilcott and a portrait of Joseph Fox by Dan Grevas.
28 How about theology? Any student wishing to pursue graduate work in religious institution should contact the Department of Philosophy and Religion.
29 Mao lecture given Nathan Talbott will give a talk on Mao Tse-tung tomorrow in the Union.
30 Politics anyone? Author James David Barber will speak on myths surrounding the presidency.
31 Scholarship The E. W. Hamilton scholarship will be awarded through the UNI Foundation.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Cat's Cradle opens Interpreters Theatre
Cat's Cradle will be the first Interpreters Theatre production of the semester.
33 New birth control device available
Susan Hays of the Well Woman Community Health Project discusses a new option in birth control.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Jumpin' for joy
Bartlett plays against Dancer in a volleyball competition.
35 Students intern in correctional facilities George E. Sexton will be a guest at UNI this spring and will discuss internship programs at correctional facilities.
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# Article Article Summary
36 The Way: Christian fellowship or campus cult?
An examination of The Way International, a religious organization that has been accused of being a cult.
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# Article Article Summary
37 The Way given UNISA recognition
38 The Way: its doctrine and origins
A look at the origins and beliefs of The Way's founder Victor Paul Wierwille; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
39 'Cruising:' lacking everything but sleaze
Review of the movie 'Cruising.'
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# Article Article Summary
40 Combo earns award A UNI jazz combo received an award at the 13th annual Elmhurst Collegiate Jazz Festival. The combo is under the direction of Rick Lawn.
41 New York city group, Continuum, highlights music of 20th century A New York City group, Continuum, will perform as part of lectures and performances on music of the twentieth century.
42 Waterbabies Jazz musicians have started a group called the Waterbabies; photo.
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43 Painter reflects rural image Donald Leland Brown conducted an informal seminar on watercolor painting; photo.
44 Symbolic colors Kenneth Gogel will give lecture on art therapy.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Jazz Band II gives concert UNI's Jazz Band II will give a concert. Featured soloist will be Andy Musel, instructor at UNI.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Seminar today on injuries UNI athletic training department will present a seminar on injury prevention and rehabilitation.
47 Women place 9th in first regional meet
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
UNI placed ninth out of thirteen teams in the AIAW Region; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
48 UNI second in invitational
UNI finished second behind the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
49 Iowa can go to the finals
Cannon--Bill (Student--1979-1980)
Iowa's chances of being in the final four of the NCAA national championship are looking better.
50 Men 2-1 over weekend The men defeated Doane and Bethany College, but lost to the University of Nebraska.
51 Rugby A-team practices Practice for A-team rugby will be tonight.
52 Women lose opener 9-0 UNI lost to the University of Minnesota on its season opener.