Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Contemporary American Drawings' to open 1980-81 gallery season Students talk about the work put into setting up and preparing the Gallery of Art for the season opening series 'Contemporary American Drawings'.
2 'Contemporary American Drawings' to open 1980-81 UNI Gallery of Art season. The first exhibit for the 1980-81 season at the Gallery of Art will include 'Contemporary American Drawings' a collection of drawing from several American artists.
3 UNI fall observatory program to begin The observatory will be open for its fall series. The series will include a visit to the observatory and a slide presentation on the current sky.
4 UNI history series to open September 18 with annual Becker lecture Phi Alpha Theta will host guest speaker Chester G. Starr to start the Carl L. Becker Memorial Lecture Series.
5 UNI Maucker Union features art works of former resident Former Cedar Falls resident Dale Barth will have several art works on display at the Maucker Union.
6 UNI to offer courses in Fort Dodge beginning September 4 The courses, 'Educational Research' a graduate course and 'Diagnostic Teaching of Reading in the Classroom' a undergraduate and graduate course will be offered at Central College in Fort Dodge.