Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Anxiety over toxic shock
Women at UNI concerned about possibility of contracting the disease.
2 Birthday boogie
Eric Abbott and Theresa Greiner dance at a party to celebrate Bartlett Hall's sixty-fifth birthday on Friday; photo.
3 Cutler on campus Lynn Cutler will speak.
4 White-collar job openings to increase
Ken Jacobsen and Sherry Candee talk about job opportunities.
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5 'Let's get serious'
Campbell--David Leo (Class of 1983)
Wants everyone involved in the debate about men watching women to settle down because men look at women and women look at men.
6 'Talk to candidates, give a damn'
Wants students to get involved in the elections this year by coming to a UNI Young Democrats meeting.
7 'War Without Winners' helps fight arms race
Martin--Rusty (Student--1981)
Praises the film "War Without Winners' and Professor Sunseri for showing it.
8 Party prank 'uncalled for'
Upset at whoever posted flyers saying the Alpha Phi sorority house was having a party.
9 Viewpoint; 'Ron Reagan and Me'
Roberts--Ronald Edward (Sociology Faculty)
Criticism of Ronald Reagan.
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10 Foreign students under pressure
Sampson--Kathryn Ann (Class of 1982)
Germana Nijim talks about the problems faced by international students.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Marathon will continue
Professor Sunseri will continue to show anti-war film.
12 UNI P. E. O. group Will meet.
13 UNI Young Democrats Ted Anderson will speak.
14 What's up Meetings and activities; noon Bible study; laPIRG; workshops for Liberal Art students; Eleanora Andeson Kettler will speak; Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition.
15 Women's Studies Association Will meet.
16 Workshops cover a range of topics
Smith--Cheryl L. (Student--1980)
Description of upcoming workshops and seminars.
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17 Dome entrance honors sisters
Profile of the Radell sisters; photo.
18 Get into business
Ken Jacobsen offers schedule of career-related programs.
19 Meeting for Mexico trip Will make three-week trip at Christmas.
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20 'Big Red One' like old war movie
Review of the movie "Big Red One."
21 Bakery munchies on Hill
Ken's Pastry Shop opens; photo.
22 Duck's Breath makes album
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
Members of the group talk about the album.
23 UNI gets a strong whiff of Duck's Breath
Review of the performance by Duck's Breath; photo.
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24 'Art' goes to gallery Schedule of Art a la Carte lectures.
25 Folk music show Garrison Keillor will perform at UNI.
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26 Dorm decoration must follow housing rules
Chastain--Rhiannon Lynn (Class of 1983)
Lofts are still illegal.
27 Irish troupe begins Artists Series Profile of Irish Light Orchestra.
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28 'Iowa drastically behind in support of arts'
Sundberg--Anne M. (Class of 1982)
Kathleen Nolan expresses opinions; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Panthers leave Wonder Boys wondering
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
UNI defeated Arkansas Tech, 49-10, on Saturday at the Dome with the help of 205 rushing yards by Chris Miliner; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Harriers grab second at Grinnell UNI finished second at the Grinnell College Les Duke Invitational last Saturday.
31 Overtime
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
Preview of the Muhammed Ali versus Larry Holmes title match. Also discusses the running of freshman tailback Chris Miliner.
32 Winnipeg spoils spikers attempt
Langguth--Teresa (Class of 1981)
UNI lost in the championship of the University of North Dakota Invitational last week in Grand Forks to the University of Winnipeg, 15-6, 15-11, and 15-7.
33 Women golfers take eleventh UNI finished eleventh in the Iowa State Invitational last Saturday.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Netsters place third
UNI finished third in the AIAW three team state tennis tournament at UNI last Saturday; photo.