Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Variety show lends spirit
Chastain--Rhiannon Lynn (Class of 1983)
Review of the Christmas Variety Show; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
2 Christmas shopping
Local merchants set up stands to display their items at University Hall on Thursday; photo.
3 City Council approves stricter housing codes
Meek--Lori L. (Class of 1982)
Cedar Falls adopts Uniform Housing Code; rents may rise, but conditions should improve.
4 Committee set to abolish problems
Mooney--Keely A. (Class of 1981)
Committee of Cedar Falls council members, residents, and UNI representatives will work on problems.
5 Getting your grades Will be available January 12.
6 Here's help for final exams
Hussman--Peter (Pete)
Wayne King offers tips for study.
7 Stabbing near campus Man stabbed near Bo Jingles.
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8 . . . or would it add to education?
Bucknam--Christopher E. (Athletics Staff)
Supports the ROTC on campus.
9 Is there life after UNI?
Foss--Mark Richard
Looking toward the future.
10 Question legal process
Feels the Iowa Supreme Court is abusing its great power.
11 Seriously consider the consequences
Robinette--Jane E. (Class of 1982)
Wants people to know it has been declared illegal for Selective Service to record social security numbers; if this has already been done, one can write and request his number be deleted.
12 Watch out, you radicals!
A satirical letter concerning student radicals.
13 Would ROTC contradict goals . . .
Martin--Rusty (Student--1981)
Opposes ROTC coming to UNI.
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14 Fire doors installed in Baker Hall
Martin--Valentina K. (Classes of 1982 and 1999)
Part of continuous program to make buildings safer.
15 Tragic Cambodian refugee story; an uncertain future
Sampson--Kathryn Ann (Class of 1982)
Robert Richards talks about the refugees' situation.
16 Winners measure in meters
Norris--Georgia (Classes of 1982--1993--and 1999)
Students take part in contest which measures campus structures.
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# Article Article Summary
17 North American Review publishes short story collection
Book contains stories by Lee K. Abbott.
18 Pajama girls
The Jinglettes perform at the variety show sponsored by the Men's Glee Club; photo.
19 Volunteers need flexibility
Students learn about Peace Corps and Vista.
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20 Certain interview questions off-limits
Clinton Nelson talks about inappropriate interview questions.
21 Program helps save lives
Close look at health aides program in dorms.
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22 Phi Beta Lambda Putting together gifts for the needy.
23 Russian language gains popularity
Hugh Duvese speaks at Russian Club.
24 Smart shopping can cut high food costs Barbara Pershing gives tips on shopping.
25 Spanish Club Will go caroling.
26 What's up Meetings and activities; laPIRG; Bible Study.
27 Women's track and field Organizational meeting.
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28 Fairy tales: fantasy and fear
Panelists talk about fairy tales.
29 What goes up . . .
Chicken Jackson attempts a shot; photo.
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30 Joint vocal concert tonight Program for the concert by the Women's Chorus and the University Choir.
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31 'Beauty' entertaining, more
Review of Theatre UNI's production of "Beauty and the Beast."
32 Audition for spring productions Theatre UNI is seeking cast members for several productions.
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33 In review: Woody Allen's new movie is complex, vain, but enjoyable
Review of the film "Stardust Memories."
34 Tuba instructor presents recital Professor Kaenzig will present performance.
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35 Chorale an impressive sight
Review of the Metropolitan Chorale's performance of Handel's "Messiah."
36 Student art works on sale
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37 Graham leads symphony Christmas Profile of Professor Graham and program highlights.
38 Hume discusses photos
Sandy Hume talks about his art; photo.
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39 Grapplers finish strong despite several injuries
UNI did well at the UNI Open Saturday in the West Gym despite suffering injuries to Larry Luttrell, Dave Lott, and Efonda Sproles; photo.
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40 Gymnasts down UW-Platteville
UNI defeated the University of Wisconsin-Platteville Saturday, 193.4-149.9; photo.
41 Men tankers lose two; women set six records
The UNI men lost to Western Illinois, 76-37, on Thursday, and to Bradley University, 75-38, on Friday. The women lost to Western Illinois, 114-56, on Thursday, but won the Luther Invitational . They also set six records in the two meets.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Cagers win peach basket
Langguth--Teresa (Class of 1981)
UNI won the Peach Basket Invitational Saturday in the UNI-Dome by beating Mankato State, 80-67, on Friday, and Eastern Illinois, 78-70, Saturday in the championship game.
43 Men cagers lose two more; drop to 0-5
UNI lost two games over the weekend to remain winless on the season at 0-5. On Saturday they lost to Iowa State in Ames, 83-69, and on Sunday they lost to Centenary, 67-51, in the UNI-Dome; photo.