Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Human rights crusader Dick Gregory at UNI Profile of Dick Gregory; photo.
2 Shutdown termed success
Report on the holiday shutdown.
3 Want to be an RA? Applications available.
4 Welcome home
Eric Franson moving into a new room; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 On the Other Hand
Does not think Ronald Reagan will solve the country's problems.
6 Untitled
Opperman--David E.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Calling all campers
Breuer--Teresa A.
Students can talk with potential employers.
8 Extension offers learning options Will offer non-credit courses in Norwegian, publications production, and non-verbal communication.
9 Senate Scene Because of a hike in tuition, the Senate voted to put more money into the UNI Student Emergency Loan Fund.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Does participation add to energy crisis?
Professor Krogmann talks about the role of the public in determining energy conservation policy.
11 Flipping the discs
Jesse Ford looks at albums at University Book and Supply; photo.
12 Study profiles average student A look at the recent "Profile of Students".
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# Article Article Summary
13 Contraceptive methods Informal discussions weekly.
14 Peace studies to start Rusty Martin starts seminar series.
15 Spanish Club Luis Aguilar Leon will speak.
16 What's up Meetings and activities; La Mesa Espanola.
17 Workshop explores sexual attitudes Weekend workshop scheduled.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Amateur sleuths can sharpen their skills Erlene Hubly will teach course on mystery fiction.
19 Get degree without going to class Quick look at the Bachelor of Liberal Studies program.
20 It's a learning experience: Model UN
Quick look at the history and purposes of the group.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Cable tabled for awhile for residence hall: university determines when to install it
A look at the present television situation in the community and predictions about the future.
22 Make room for video cassettes and discs
Cahill--Mary E. (Class of 1981)
A look at the future of video recordings; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 From rookie to national runner-up
Efonda Sproles is the Division II runner-up at National.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Aerosmith good, but not great: Kool Ray delivers fast paced R & R
Joens--Brian L. (Class of 1981)
Feels Aerosmith album has some good titles but not the "great" ones as advertised; Kool Ray album is worth buying.
25 Who said you can't take it with you?
Tips on backpacks.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Don't go overboard
Red Lobster food is good but remember to order lunch items when there for lunch otherwise lunch can be expensive.
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# Article Article Summary
27 'Friday Flicks' changes name and emphasis Will attempt to show more popular movies.
28 After 20 years, Williams returns Theatre UNI will produce "A Streetcar Named Desire".
29 Jam begins semester
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# Article Article Summary
30 'Bearcats' receive award Receive honorable mention.
31 'Elephant Man' comes to Old Aud
32 Trans-Siberian sights Professor Jamosky will show film that he shot.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Robbins acts on community stage Professor Robbins will act in WCP production.
34 School of Music still has 'good standing' Continued accreditation will last through 1990.
35 String band rambles into Studio One New Prairie Ramblers will play; photo.
36 Tune up for Union auditions Will showcase local talent.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Grapplers stun the South
Ogden--John R. (Student--1979-1981)
After losing to Iowa State, wrestlers win four matches on Southern trip.
38 Overtime
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
Makes predictions and talks about the UNI women's basketball team.
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# Article Article Summary
39 UNI cagers keep busy over winter break
Men's basketball team loses seven on their Southern tour over winter break; the women's team improved to 11-4 record.