Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'You are being manipulated:' political activist
Cahill--Mary E. (Class of 1981)
Excerpts from speech by Dick Gregory; photo.
2 Ex-captain reveals ROTC's faults
James Olberding talks about ROTC during informational meeting sponsored by UNISA.
3 No decision made yet in ROTC controversy: Davis to answer Senate's questions on ROTC Chair Darrel Davis will seek answers to Faculty Senate's questions about the program.
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# Article Article Summary
4 'Join a political party'
Martin--Rusty (Student--1981)
Encourages voters to join a political party for the upcoming UNISA elections.
5 Gregory raises questions
Group of students thanks the committee responsible for bringing Dick Gregory to campus.
6 ROTC: 'Suppression of idea wrong'
Broadie--Richard (History Faculty)
Student believes that ROTC is entitled to a certain amount of respect.
7 Students missed 'Upset,' congrats go to wrestlers
Student congratulates wrestlers for big win and believes more students should have attended the meet.
8 Yes, we are in for surprises: Disagrees with Hessburg
de Regnier--Kevin
Student attacks Carter campaign and looks toward the future.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Dance! Dance! Dance! for MDA
10 Senate Scene
Considering problem of inadequate funding for UNI.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Campus Scouts Will meet.
12 Price Lab fire knocks out power
Fire in PLS transformer room causes electrical power loss in north end of campus.
13 TEFL/Linguistics Club Mel Greenlee will speak.
14 Untitled Dick Gregory speaking to audience; photo.
15 What's up Meetings and activities.
16 Women's Studies Association Will plan bake sale.
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# Article Article Summary
17 'War fervor ails U.S.'
Breuer--Teresa A.
Professor Howard delivers lecture on US involvement in war; believes many could have been avoided.
18 Course on 'Gifted Child' Extension will offer course.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Just working his way up the winning ladder
UNI's Efonda Sproles went from an inexperienced wrestler in high school to a Division II runner-up in his freshman season; photo.
20 Spend it where it's hot
Ogden--John R. (Student--1979-1981)
UNI teams travel to the South for competition over winter break.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Use illusion to tell story
Cahill--Mary E. (Class of 1981)
Mime describes art of pantomiming and offers teaching session; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Drivin' in the fast lane
UNI guard Kevin Bradford heads down the court in close matchup versus UNC-Wilmington; photo.
23 REO sings of women; Styx back on the table
Jones--Brian D. (Class of 1994)
REO Speedwagon's "High Fidelity" carries basic theme of women; Styx's "Paradise Theater" album is one for the turntable.
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# Article Article Summary
24 It's guaranteed, folks
The Sirloin Stockade guarantees steak the way you like it.
25 Sometimes it's just too 'clothes': Doing your laundry?
Doing laundry is not a pleasant experience.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Play captures more than movie: 'Elephant Man'
American Theater Production's "Elephant Man" performed differently from on the big screen.
27 Watch earth change Professor Poppy will present program on geological forces.
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# Article Article Summary
28 'Good Fortune' is coming to UNI Profile of Tashi; photo.
29 Enter essay contest English Department will sponsor contest as part of Student as Critic Conference.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Chopin music played by Aibel Professor Aibel will present all-Chopin recital.
31 Jazz sax to be featured Lanny Morgan will perform with Jazz Band; photo.
32 Mad Ukrainian leads Ramblers
The New Prairie Ramblers performed spirited piece at Studio One.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Overtime spells doom for cagers
Koolbeck--Jeffrey R. (Class of 1983)
UNI drops another close overtime game to UNC-Wilmington; photo.
34 Thinclads take on division change
Ogden--John R. (Student--1979-1981)
UNI looks for enjoyable season with a solid nucleus and promising newcomers.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Cagers roll past Loras
UNI improves to 13-6 with easy victory over Loras.
36 Overtime; To err is human, but¿
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
Mistakes cost the Eagles the Super Bowl; awards are given for top events.
37 Two gridders receive awards
Owen Dockter and Fred Bryan receive well-deserved scholarships.
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# Article Article Summary
38 UNI grapplers down Winona, 45-0; now 9-3
Ogden--John R. (Student--1979-1981)
UNI puts forth one of its best performances for the year despite line-up change.