Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campus rallies against U. S. intervention
Highlights of speeches and demonstration; photo.
2 Controversy surrounds ROTC vote
Faculty Senate votes 11-9 to establish ROTC unit.
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# Article Article Summary
3 'Learn to kill for credit'; legitimizes military
Martin--Rusty (Student--1981)
Feels the ROTC is not just another program, but gives credit to learn how to kill other people.
4 'Students disregarded'
Windmark--Bryan A. (Class of 1982)
Feels that the Faculty Senate disregarded the opposition of students regarding ROTC.
5 Challenges wisdom of senate vote
Robinette--Jane E. (Class of 1982)
Feels that the Faculty Senate cared little about student reaction to ROTC.
6 Frustrated about student apathy
Frustrated that students do not seem to care about what goes on, especially with ROTC.
7 Pleads for wall hanging Requesting that a banner from the Maucker Union by Norman LaLiberte be returned.
8 Take us seriously Feels that it is the responsibility of senate members to listen to the students.
9 Untitled
Opperman--David E.
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# Article Article Summary
10 'ROTC neither ethical nor legal'
Ryan--Michael John (Class of 1986)
Students oppose ROTC; believe that it is not ethical or legal.
11 'Senate violated obligation'
Gute--Gary G. (Family Services Faculty)
Believes that the Faculty Senate violated its obligation to the students by voting in favor of ROTC.
12 Criticizes Remington's conduct
Students find fault with Senator Tom Remington's behavior at the Faculty Senate meeting concerning ROTC.
13 Show juror responds
Kelley--Gary R. (Class of 1968)
Gary Kelley believes that a jury is an ideal way to select the Student Exhibition but also believes that he is competent to judge this show.
14 UNISA VPs appalled
Burrow--David M. (Class of 1983)
Finds Faculty Senate's decision to allow ROTC on UNI campus appalling.
15 Untitled
Ryan--Michael John (Class of 1986)
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# Article Article Summary
16 Slide show addresses Central America crisis
A look at the situation in Central America.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Colonnese: 'El Salvador is another Vietnam'
Excerpts from speech by Father Michael Colonnese; photo.
18 Sun Day explores energy Description of program.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Students and faculty react to ROTC decision
Faculty and students express opinions.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Greeks award annual honors
Maltby--Craig S. (Class of 1982)
Roster of groups and individuals honored.
21 Kappa Delta Pi Will elect officers and stage initiation.
22 Towers to host Western Weekend
Description of activities; photo.
23 What's up Meetings and activities; UNI Secretaries.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Senate Scene
Deplores Faculty Senate action on ROTC; supports action on El Salvador demonstration.
25 Teacher Education Study to receive critique
Len Froyen talks about the study and the upcoming meeting relating to it.
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# Article Article Summary
26 "Register" columnist depends upon 'wife, friends'
Cahill--Mary E. (Class of 1981)
Interview with Donald Kaul.
27 Now, it's Kaul's turn
Cahill--Mary E. (Class of 1981)
Donald Kaul responds to roast comments; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Class hosts 'Night in Dome'
Langguth--Teresa (Class of 1981)
Ken Green's recreation class ran program; photo.
29 Mountain climber here Christy Tews will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
30 They're up, going strong by 6 or 7 a.m.; they began with five; now help 60
Extensive description of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Essay winners announced
Highlights of Student as Critic Conference.
32 KUNI airs jazz Will broadcast live performance from Cedar Falls High School.
33 Rappelling show Sunday Harley Kaiser will demonstrate techniques at Museum.
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# Article Article Summary
34 'Fantasy Revue' presented Several UNI people will participate in Waterloo production.
35 KHKE to air concert series Will broadcast series of family concerts.
36 Opera direction a challenge for Pape
John Pape talks about "Die Fledermaus"; photo.
37 Theatre students elected to offices, initiated in fraternity Criteria for membership; list of officers and new members of Theta Alpha Phi.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Big brothers, sisters learn about selves
Students talk about their experiences with the Big Brother/Big Sister program; photo.
39 Dana to speak on writing Robert Dana will present Reninger Lecture.
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# Article Article Summary
40 Frank brings studio variety
Review of Chris Frank's performance on "Live from Studio One."
41 KCRS positions open Four positions available.
42 Theatre UNI announces summer acting company Announces eight-member troupe; description of summer productions.
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# Article Article Summary
43 Classical
Bryan Windmark performs in conjunction with Father Michael Colonnese's speech; photo.
44 Red Cross a century old
History of Red Cross; blood drives have been held on campus since 1946.
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# Article Article Summary
45 . . . while men upend Wartburg, 8-1
Ogden--John R. (Student--1979-1981)
UNI gains an 8-1 victory over Wartburg.
46 UNI's women netsters down Luther, 6-3 . . .
Langguth--Teresa (Class of 1981)
UNI defeats Luther, 6-3, improving their record to 2-3; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
47 Do your heart a favor
Will hold 10 kilometer run.
48 Iowa sluggers jolt UNI, 14-1
UNI lost, 14-1, to the University of Iowa, losing its six-game winning streak.
49 Is it soup yet?
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
Discusses the Athletic Policy Advisory Council's proposal to cut both men's and women's gymnastics.
50 Softball team overpowers Loras
Langguth--Teresa (Class of 1981)
UNI beats Loras in a doubleheader with scores of 4-1 and 12-0.
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# Article Article Summary
51 Lawson: sixth in nation; looking toward Olympics
Ogden--John R. (Student--1979-1981)
Profile of Bill Lawson; photo.