Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Flying Disc Fair tomorrow Frisbee tournament will be held.
2 Opposition to ROTC continues
Meek--Lori L. (Class of 1982)
Judith Harrington receives petition calling for re-vote.
3 Regents allow for capital improvements List of remodeling and repair projects.
4 Sun spot Student studying on top of the Union; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Contraceptives discussed Weekly sessions at Health Center.
6 Curricular changes to include new majors, ROTC Proposals would add ROTC program; energy technology, computer science, computer information systems, public administration majors; and business communication minor.
7 June Elderhostel cancelled Enrollment fails to materialize; second session still scheduled.
8 What's up Meetings and activities; Mesa Espanola; Old Creamery Theatre.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Effects in 'Outland' are special
Review of the film "Outland."
10 Save on theatre tickets
Schedule of summer productions; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Britz to hold golf clinic Monday at Beaver Hills Jerilyn Britz will give a golf clinic at the Beaver Hills Country Club.
12 Cedar Falls hosts AIAW tourney UNI will be hosting the AIAW Division II National Golf Championships.
13 Wrestling team signs three promising recruits UNI recruits three wrestlers.