Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campus Ministers Association offers draft information Will be located at St. Stephen Catholic Student Center; photo.
2 Elm statue to be restored; conflict revolves around local landmark
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Will attempt to raise about $20,000 to preserve elm sculpture; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Let elm die with dignity Questions restoration of the old elm if financial support is not given.
4 Meeting for 11,000 in Union tomorrow
Martin--Rusty (Student--1981)
Encourages students to attend the UNISA meeting if interested.
5 Untitled
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
East Coast student clashes with Iowa roommate.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Be aware of the impact you have Norman Story talks about his human awareness and assertion workshops.
7 Cedar Falls ASPA chapter holds meeting Group formed last year; will meet.
8 Frustrations on the job to be studied Professor Claus will conduct seminars in association with extension course.
9 On top and going nowhere
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Barbi Peterson participates in an event at Dancer Hall's "Elite Daze": photo.
10 Students teachers meet On-campus orientation.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Seminar on costumes
Professor Megivern will teach course on care and use of historic costume.
12 Social work program gets boost Receives five $1000 grants for traineeships.
13 U.S. explores solar energy
David Dockstader will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Campus Bible Fellowship Speakers featured.
15 Course on aging offered Professor Suh will teach course.
16 Men's tennis Men interested should meet.
17 New freshmen Visit advisor.
18 Old Gold yearbook Final day to order at discount price.
19 Problems? Ask IaPIRG
20 Soccer Club Will meet.
21 Spanish Club Organizational meeting.
22 UNI Accounting Club Chris Hensley will speak on interviewing.
23 What's up Meetings and activities; laPIRG; Christian Campus House.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Reins in Maucker Union
Witt--William G. (Class of 1972; Public Information Services Staff; General Assembly Member)
Keith Reins performing at the UNI Bluegrass Festival: photo.
25 Theatre UNI offers wide variety this season
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# Article Article Summary
26 Film Society offers quality shows
Mooney--Debbie (Student--1981-1982)
Schedule of Union Film Society.
27 UNI Chorus is looking for a 'few good men'
New director Bob Ritschel talks about his plans for the group.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Do the Ho-Pak!
Mooney--Debbie (Student--1981-1982)
Brief look at Folk Dance Club.
29 Try out to sing in Union Auditions for Coffeehouse performances.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Bulldogs look tough for renewal of series
UNI faces Drake in home opener.
31 Recruits display talents; Sheriff disappointed with defense
Stan Sheriff pleased with the offense in a recent scrimmage.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Fall sports workouts Interested individuals can try out for the women's basketball team.
33 Women harriers strong; Skov back
Pieper--Lori (Student--1983)
Previewing the upcoming women's cross country team.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Mazula to coach women
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Mazula takes the reins of the women's tennis team: photo.
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# Article Article Summary
35 A guide to help prepare for Writing Comp Exam History, description, and procedures for taking the exam.