Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 After the Stones
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
The UNI Dome's reflection on the Strayer-Wood Theatre; Rolling Stones to play in Dome November 19; photo.
2 Business majors outnumber all others
1812 business majors enrolled; 449 bachelor degrees granted last year; rules for declaration of major; new services office set up.
3 Enrollment stays high Fall 1981 enrollment is 10,954, just .6% lower than previous fall.
4 Professors say work unrewarded
Petra--Ross A. (Class of 1977; Library Faculty)
AFT panelists voice opinions on work environment at UNI.
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5 'Cruel and unusual punishment' for killer
Bittner--James W. (English Faculty)
Professor Bittner is angry over uprooted tree.
6 Blood drive successful
Kluver--Kevin M. (Class of 1983)
Gathers 301 units of blood.
7 Clergy question extension course Clergymen want minorities mentioned in new course. They are: Rev. Stanley C. Kennedy, Rev. Robert Galloway, Rev. Robert Leverenz, Rev. James F. Hanke, Rev. Don R. Johnson, Rev. Robert Ellis.
8 Congrats to custodians
Hammes--Daniel L
UNI custodians rate number 1 according to National Executive Housekeepers Association.
9 Do you think the UNI faculty are apathetic? Students give their opinions on UNI faculty; photo.
10 The Panther's Pen
Meek--Lori L. (Class of 1982)
Lori Meek details how other universities deal with noisy neighbors and parties.
11 Untitled
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
Student's roommate is curious about how he dropped the ROTC class.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Math conference today
13 Ski Club waxing up for winter
Will hold first meeting; looking forward to snow.
14 Strummin' and Sunnin'
Holley--Charles E. (Class of 1984)
A student plays his guitar on top of the Union; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Conservation Club Will meet.
16 New bus stop ready
New Met bus stop built west of Gilchrist Hall.
17 Production Club Organizational meeting.
18 Science teaching colloquium Tim Cooney will speak.
19 Student Social Work Association Sponsoring food drive.
20 Teaching conference scheduled
Will host conference on effective teaching.
21 UNI men's swimming team Looking for interested participants.
22 What's up Meetings and activities; Mesa Espanola.
23 Women's Studies Association Meets Tuesdays.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Mini-courses: Rx for mid-semester dulls
Conzett--Kathleen M. (Class of 1982)
Description of courses.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Untitled
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Ducks' Breath performs; photo.
26 untitled
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Bill Allard of Ducks' Breath sings "Old Macdonald"; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Martial arts demand discipline
A look at karate, tae kwon-do, and judo at UNI; photo.
28 Women learn defense
Jane Mertesdorf talks about the self defense course for women.
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# Article Article Summary
29 UNI rugby still going strong
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
There is a growing interest in rugby in Iowa; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Takes medallist honors in UNI Golf Classic, DeVault proves his golf is "up to par"
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Profile of freshman golfer John DeVault; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
31 'Duck's Breath' shocks, amuses
A review of the "Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre" performance; photo.
32 Lindstrom performs Ian, Prine
A review of Bekka Lindstrom's performance.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Co-op offers tofu as alternative to Twinkies
A look at the products and policies at Cottontop Coop.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Mummenschanz replaces Carroll Profile of Mummenschanz; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Practice makes perfect
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Rugby players are practicing; photo.
36 Volleyball victorious over Marycrest, 3-1
The Panthers were expected to do better.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Field hockey loses 1-0 to Grinnell
Pieper--Lori (Student--1983)
Coach Wanda Green is "disappointed in the Panthers".
38 Overtime
Idaho destroyed the Panthers, will lose to Montana.
39 Women victorious The Panthers dominated their opponents.