Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Biomedical sciences project Office of Education has granted $261, 054 to encourage high school students to enter the field of biomedicine. Minority students, young women and students with rural backgrounds are targeted.
2 Cardiac rehabilitation Drs. Elton Green and Forrest Dolgener aid in the rehabilitation program. Residents get back into shape with regular exercise.
3 Dry run Creek work to cause parking lot changes at UNI Forty per cent of the cars parked in the gravel lot north of the UNI-Dome will need to be moved prior to start of flood control construction on the University branch of Dry Run Creek.
4 Getting along at work UNI staff to hear Tom Little speak on "Friend or Foe in the Office".
5 High School speech and debate tournament Five hundred students and teachers will participate in the annual tournament.
6 Octubafest Recital, soloists, and clinics are all part of the Tubists Universal Brotherhood Association (T. U. B. A.)/
7 Students initiated into UNI Home Economics honorary Beta Nu Chapter of Phi Upsilon Omicron announces new members.
8 UNI faculty attend Nobel Conference in Minnesota Four Nobel prize winners spoke during a conference at Gustavus Adolphus College attended by six faculty members.
9 UNI parents' weekend Open houses, displays, parents meetings, and football will all take place during Parents' Weekend/
10 UNI prof (Jedlicka) gives talk in Venezuela Technology transfer to developing countries was the topic of Allen Jedlicka's presentation in Caracas.