Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Faculty Senate discusses demonstration policy
The Faculty Senate voted on actions concerning the ROTC and the policy on demonstrations and picketing on campus.
2 Incest 'taboo' hasn't stopped incidence
Mielke--Kurt L
Marilyn Story and Martin Edwards discuss incest and its impact on society.
3 Spider Man!
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
The greenhouse is nearing completion; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Fellow non-registrant cites reasons for resistance
Weber--Brandon (Student--2008)
Student predicts the selective service will collapse.
5 Millers thank friends The parents and siblings of Stacy Miller thank everyone for their letters of comfort and consolation.
6 Randy (sic) has 'change of heart'
Randy Martin sarcastically defends the draft and says he will sign up.
7 Registration resistance defended, 'Intentions moral, realistic'
Student defends Randy Martin's decision to not sign up for the draft.
8 Scherzo
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
The new director of the Department of Residence (a dog), claims he can roll over and play dead just like the rest of the faculty.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Parents of the year honored
Holley--Charles E. (Class of 1984)
Leo and Therese Donnelly were honored as this year's parents of the year; photo.
10 UNI reacts to money troubles
Edward Voldseth discussed some of UNI's financial troubles at a Lunch and Learn program.
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# Article Article Summary
11 AMA keg raffle Will raffle off four kegs.
12 Business education student organizations Representatives will meet Monday.
13 Cole elected chairman John Cole has been elected chairperson of the education subcommittee of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.
14 Former director dies
George Holmes, former director of university relations, died October 14 at the age of 80; photo.
15 Group to attack student apathy
The Coalition of Concerned Students will attempt to get the student body to care and to get involved.
16 I-Club Sign up now for Casino Nights.
17 Science teaching colloquium Terri Rogers and Jan McCumsey will speak about gifted students.
18 Torch and Tassel Service project will be at River Hills.
19 What's up Meetings and activities; Mesa Espanola.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Director outlines effects of 'Reaganomics'
Meyer--Gretchen L. (Class of 1984)
Roberta Till-Retz spoke at UNI on the effects of Reaganomics.
21 NAACP pledges support The UNI chapter of the NAACP voted to support the Concerned Black Students' rights.
22 Senate Scene
Armstrong--Kathryn R. (Class of 1982)
UNISA's allocation of funds is under scrutiny.
23 Sheppard speaks on civil rights
Conzett--Kathleen M. (Class of 1982)
Clint Sheppard of the Waterloo Human Rights Commission spoke at the Union.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Beware!
UNI faculty members share some of their superstitions.
25 UNI Scouts stay active
Wagner--JoAnne Zoller
UNI has a very active chapter of Girl Scouts.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Video is 'hot'
"Video to Go" is a new local business that is doing very well.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Quilt depicts birth process
Holley--Charles E. (Class of 1984)
UNI students and faculty are helping out with a female-themed art project; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Popcorn: a tasty, low calorie, nutritious treat
Holley--Charles E. (Class of 1984)
Popcorn offered as a low-calorie snack alternative; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
29 'Arkansaw Bear' delivers point
A review of Theatre UNI's production, 'The Arkansaw Bear'; photo.
30 Flutist performing Monday night Flutist Carol Wincenc will be appearing as part of the Chamber Music Series in Russell Hall.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Collect UNI credits in Europe
Student Kelly Benning spent a semester in Europe and earned UNI credit.
32 Watch for 'Dance and More'
An event called 'Dance and More' will be held November 20 and 21. The event will feature performances by UNI dance organizations.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Folk group to play at Broom A folk group composed of UNI faculty members will perform at the Broom Factory in Cedar Falls.
34 Map collection 'extensive'
Robst--Elizabeth L. (Class of 1984)
Pat Wilkinson discusses the Maps and Documents segment of Rod Library. Wilkinson is head of the section.
35 Trying to sell Stone tickets? Get out of town
Ticket scalping for the upcoming Rolling Stones show could become a problem.
36 Variety show auditions coming up
Conzett--Kathleen M. (Class of 1982)
Sign up has begun for the upcoming Christmas Variety Show.
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# Article Article Summary
37 'Bandits' funny, but no Python film
A review of the movie 'Time Bandits'.
38 Hear jazz from 'Departure' The jazz band Departure will play in the Union as part of the "4our Letter Word" series.
39 Substance abuse program available
Schoitz Memorial Hospital offers several substance abuse programs.
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# Article Article Summary
40 Field hockey loses at Regionals
Pieper--Lori (Student--1983)
Panther's end season with a dismal 4-16 record.
41 Spikers dominate Queen Bees
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Panthers hold off a late surge by St. Ambrose; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Overtime
Levenhagen predicts a 17-0 Panther victory over the University of South Dakota.
43 Skov, Elsberry shine at Regionals
Pieper--Lori (Student--1983)
Panthers finish fifth at regionals.
44 Wheelchair basketball Students are encouraged to attend the fund raising event.