Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Faculty leaves cost $132,000
Bacica--Joseph (Student--1982)
List of faculty who received PDLs and their topics of research.
2 Presidential candidates battle for votes
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Candidates state positions at forum; photo.
3 UNI first vote on SSA
Will hold referendum on establish branch of State Student Association on campus.
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# Article Article Summary
4 'Where have you been, Horan?'
Bittick--Craig (Class of 1983)
Craig Bittick criticizes Mark Horan for not helping UNISA find funding for financial aid.
5 Diederich answers Barta
Diederich--Barry (Student--1982)
Diederich defends his point of view and questions his critics' intelligence.
6 IaPIRG responds to candidates
Sandy Sutton believes that ISPIRG has been unfairly treated by UNISA presidential candidates.
7 SAE thanks donors
Mukand--Suneel (Student--1982)
Sigma Alpha Epsilon surpassed their projected donations by 60 units of blood.
8 Scherzo
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
UNISA presidential candidate will cut funding to the radio station on which he is currently being interviewed.
9 Viewpoint, Abortion, socialism decried
Dvorak--William J.
Student denounces abortion and socialism.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Anthropology Club Will meet.
11 Chimes Will meet.
12 French Club Will meet; will hold bake sale.
13 Philosophy and Religion lecture Ed Amend will speak on creation stories.
14 Tomahawk Will meet.
15 Use group effort to find jobs
Barta--Martin W. (Class of 1983)
Larry Routh is forming groups of students who are seeking similar jobs.
16 What's up Meetings and activities; Culture of the Ghetto spring break trip.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Courses teach exam skills
Barta--Martin W. (Class of 1983)
Michele Simpson will teach brief courses on test preparation.
18 Issues, candidates on ballot
Meyer--Gretchen L. (Class of 1984)
List of candidates and issues that will be on ballot.
19 Salvadoran situation urgent
Pentz--Julie E. (Class of 1982)
Michael Colonnese expresses views on El Salvador.
20 Senate Scene
Bacica--Joseph (Student--1982)
Legislation concerning the allotment of funds is discussed.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Recreation Club active
Jeffrey Glick talks about the activities of the group.
22 Refs not always loved
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Local people talk about officiating athletic events; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Olivia disappointing; Crimson, DiMeola touching
Windmark--Bryan A. (Class of 1982)
Review of albums from the following artists; King Crimson, Al DiMeola, and Olivia.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Gormally hates losing, so he wins
Profile of senior wrestler Joe Gormally; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Chi Alpha has workshop
Meyer--Beverly A. (Class of 1986)
Highlights of workshop.
26 Jepsen: cannot support abortion as solution
Wagner--JoAnne Zoller
Panel discusses abortion.
27 Scott says: Need NAACP
Melvina Scott cites benefits of NAACP.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Concert features flute, percussion Chamber concert will feature seldom-performed work.
29 Crowd-pleaser
Holley--Charles E. (Class of 1984)
John Bayley plays in front a packed coffee house in the Union; photo.
30 Huey: 'Jazz was illegitimate'
Robst--Elizabeth L. (Class of 1984)
A look at the early history of jazz at UNI.
31 Suzuki sessions reset Doris Preucil will work with Suzuki students.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Blues comes to Union
Robert "One Man" Johnson will perform; photo.
33 Recording class recommended
Description of Audio Recording Techniques course.
34 Scholarships in drama offered WCP offers scholarships.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Overtime Wrestling meet with Minnesota cancelled; look at future meets.
36 Panthers end season 20-7
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Panthers look forward to post-season play; photo.