Issue Contents

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Scanned Newspaper Page
# Article Article Summary
1 UNISA organizes fall voter registration
Wagner--JoAnne Zoller
Outline of plan.
2 Upward Bound gives new motivation to needy teens
Ratekin--Jack G. (Class of 1984)
A look at the activities and goals of the program; photo.
3 Yogi to demonstrate yoga
Yogi Ram will lecture and demonstrate.
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Scanned Newspaper Page
# Article Article Summary
4 Congratulates KUNI
Oakes--William D. (Class of 1983)
Bill Oakes praises KUNI's jazz programming.
5 Martin a 'tyrannical despot'
Student criticizes Rusty Martin.
6 Scherzo
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
Cable television plane is hijacked.
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Scanned Newspaper Page
# Article Article Summary
7 Drug ordinance closer
Ratekin--Jack G. (Class of 1984)
Drug paraphernalia ordinance passes second reading.
8 Men for equality form group
Wagner--JoAnne Zoller
Interested in helping to create non-sexist environment.
9 UNI pharmacy closed
Ratekin--Jack G. (Class of 1984)
Pharmacist facing charges; pharmacy will close at least for the summer.
10 UNI play set Will perform "The Robber Bridegroom".
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Scanned Newspaper Page
# Article Article Summary
11 'Seesaw': thought provoking
Tharp--Gretchen M. (Class of 1983)
Review of the play "Two for the Seesaw".
12 KUNI radio auction set
Will auction items for fundraiser.