Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Scheduling begins on Thursday
A detailed look at the scheduling process.
2 Take one and call me if you can
Holley--Charles E. (Class of 1984)
Photo of a person dressed as a Tylenol capsule on the Hill; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Criticism of Selective Service rushed Martin's indictment
McIlrath--James Harley (Classes of 1986 and 1999)
Harley McIlrath is tired of hearing how awful Rusty Martin's actions are.
4 Editorial Encourages students to consider whether candidates support Proposition 12 or not.
5 Escorts available
Encourages women to use the Shull Hall Escort Service.
6 Instructor proposes solutions
Welty--Mark S. (Modern Language Faculty; Classes of 1971 and 1981)
Concerned about the inadequate facilities provided for computer science students.
7 Scherzo
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
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# Article Article Summary
8 Call for resignation
Believes that Rusty Martin should resign.
9 Committee expresses thanks
Leslie--Ellen Stettler (Alumni Services Director)
The Homecoming Chairperson thanks everyone for the superb publicity that was given to Homecoming '82.
10 Satire
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
11 Values questioned
Pancratz--Judy (Class of 1983)
Respects and admires Rusty Martin's actions.
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# Article Article Summary
12 AIASA forms
Meyer--Gretchen L. (Class of 1984)
American Industrial Arts Student Association organized; Roger Betts was project director.
13 Neuroscientist to lecture
Sundberg--Anne M. (Class of 1982)
Karl Pribram will speak.
14 Untitled
Holley--Charles E. (Class of 1984)
Woman walking in the dark; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Book sale today Library will sell unneeded books.
16 Rape victim speaks out on common myths
Speaks at Take Back the Night rally.
17 Vote today
Pancratz--Judy (Class of 1983)
Locations of polling places.
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# Article Article Summary
18 A E Rho Will meet.
19 AMS Will have pizza party.
20 ASPA Will hold bake sale and sell T-shirts.
21 Finance Club Will meet.
22 German Club Will view film.
23 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Will meet.
24 Kamerick examines French
President Kamerick talks at length about his recent trip to France.
25 PEO Group forming.
26 SISEA Doug Danielson will speak.
27 Student Art Association Will meet.
28 What's up Meetings and activities; BACCHUS; Barbers Hairstyling Program; Self-Defense Program.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Meeting tomorrow
Final recommendations from comprehensive study of teacher education will be presented.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Auditions to be held
Finder--Sally (Student--1983)
Robert Washut will hold audition for jazz groups; description of upcoming events.
31 Her main focus is on music
Profile of Elly Leslie, with special emphasis on her interest in music; memories of the first jazz concert.
32 Untitled
UNI Tuba/Euphonium ensemble performing in University Hall for Octubafest; photo
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# Article Article Summary
33 Pianist to perform Joyce Gault will perform; will be broadcast on KHKE; photo.
34 Trio is back from Europe
International Trio makes first international trip.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Members dance for the fun of it
Highlights of the recent Folk Dance Festival.
36 Play opens Thursday
Kyllo--David (Dave) (Student--1980-1982)
"A Touch of the Poet" will open.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Movies shown
Fiction film class will show work.
38 Musician awarded
Kyllo--David (Dave) (Student--1980-1982)
Jo Anne Fosselman wins prize and scholarship at Minnesota competition.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Former Viking Eller to speak on drug abuse
Carl Eller will speak.
40 Panthers worked over by Wolf Pack, Nevada media
McCauley--Terry P. (Class of 1984)
UNI lost to the Wolf Pack, 37-0.
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# Article Article Summary
41 Gold team beats Purple in close intrasquad swim meet
UNI opened its season with an annual intrasquad meet.
42 Men's cross-country wins conference
UNI won the Mid-Continent Conference cross-country championship with a score of 38.
43 UNI wrestling team to hold clinic today
The UNI wrestling team will be conducting a clinic in the West Gymnasium.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Panther field hockey is downed 4-1, 3-0
UNI lost two games in the Bemidji State Invitational.
45 Pro football could clean up product during player strike
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# Article Article Summary
46 The College Hill Neighborhood Association Four-page feature section on purposes of CHNA; Cedar Falls ordinances noted..