Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Day speaks on stopping arms race
Peterson--Alan Drew (Class of 1984)
Samuel Day offers opinions.
2 Johnson: men's, women's cultures are alien
Sonia Johnson speaks on gender roles; photo.
3 Never again
Students celebrate the closing of Bartlett Hall's Penthouse; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Need expressed for history
Graduate student expresses the need to preserve Old Administration Building.
5 Scherzo
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
Student is flunking erotic literature class.
6 Untitled
Nelson--Jody (Student--1983)
Students blast UNISA for allotting money to the UNI Gay/Lesbian Outreach.
7 Untitled
Ratekin--Jack G. (Class of 1984)
Jack Ratekin responds to Vicki Grimes's contention about Women's History Month coverage.
8 Viewpoint
Barta--Martin W. (Class of 1983)
Student discusses general opinions concerning the Soviet Union.
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# Article Article Summary
9 An Easy Way To Get in Shape
Hute--Mary (Student--1983)
Believes Commons Dining Center is terribly inefficient.
10 Do you think freedom of speech is being observed on the UNI campus? Students give their opinions; photo.
11 Student points out ROTC is voluntary program
Hein--Michael (Student--1983)
Military is a necessity in today's world.
12 The Need For A Magic Wand Perhaps the world's problems can be solved by using magic.
13 The University Owned Bookstore "The Dead Issue" Part II
Renting books is not a solution.
14 Untitled
Lack of participation leaves people no room to complain.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Construction to employ 250
Hillgartner--David K. (Class of 1984)
James Stampp claims that campus projects will benefit local economy.
16 Fall 1983 Registration Schedule
17 UPB sponsors Political Awareness Day
Johnson--Scott Robert (Class of 1985)
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# Article Article Summary
18 Foxworth tells women to know "male turf"
Jo Foxworth gives tips on the world of work.
19 Hollings: freeze spending
Remarks by Senator Hollings.
20 Pike-A-thon April 23
Will stage 3.2 mile race.
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# Article Article Summary
21 American Foundrymen's Society Will meet.
22 EMSA offices to be explained
Kellen--Carla (Student--1983)
Will hold informational meeting.
23 KCRS lays fundraising plans
Robst--Elizabeth L. (Class of 1984)
Attempting to raise $4000.
24 Marlins to perform this week
Program for the performance.
25 Physical Education Club Will meet.
26 Social Work banquet Sponsored by Social Work Association.
27 Student Art Association Meets Wednesdays.
28 What's up Meetings and activities; Laser lecture demonstration; UNI Overeaters Anonymous; Danzas Burgalesas; John Mathis will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Freshman: focus on careers
Robst--Elizabeth L. (Class of 1984)
Attitudes of freshmen on many subjects.
30 Spanish events set
Sigma Delta Pi will present several programs.
31 We thought you'd like to know Professor Miller with the elm monument; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Elbow: play "believing game"
Benning--Carol (Student--1984)
Remarks by Peter Elbow at Reninger Lecture.
33 Events planned for Shakespeare fest
Plantan--Nancy L.
Brief description of activities.
34 Squirreling around
Zalog--J. C.
Students play with a squirrel; photo.
35 Wilson awarded Guggenheim Robley Wilson honored.
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# Article Article Summary
36 New lights for Hillside Courts
Hillgartner--David K. (Class of 1984)
$20,000 project.
37 News Notes . . . . . UNI-CUE will offer program on minorities and women in the media; RHA sponsored successful clothing drive; CNS will sponsor forum on creation and evolution.
38 Not a women's libber
Zalog--J. C.
Mary Louise Smith speaks on politics; photo.
39 Power failure blacks out university
CFU breaker malfunctions; power out for 25 minutes.
40 SBDC now using computers
Will run financial analyses.
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# Article Article Summary
41 Theater discussions
Plantan--Nancy L.
Symposia to be held in conjunction with Shakespeare Festival.
42 Turbulent "inner weather"
Finder--Sally (Student--1983)
Review of the magazine "Inner Weather".
43 UNI vocalists will perform on a two-day tour and also concerts inside Russell Hall Varsity Men's Glee Club, Women's Chorus, and UNI Singers will perform.
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# Article Article Summary
44 "Warlock:" unsuccessful detective -spy experiment
Review of the book "Warlock".
45 Games people play
Zalog--J. C.
Student plays ping pong; photo.
46 Variety Show: talented acts hindered by technical "aides"
Review of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Spring Variety Show.
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# Article Article Summary
47 Campus Consultation
Story--Norman L. (Counseling Center Staff)
Norman Story responds to question about homosexuality and AIDS.
48 Cawelti speaks to journalism class on column writing
Grosland--Janie (Class of 1983)
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# Article Article Summary
49 Center has 'healthy' history of services for unhealthy students
Grosland--Janie (Class of 1983)
Brief history of the Health Center and the services that it offers; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
50 Classroom setting different for relationship/sexuality class
Marilyn Story talks about the history of the Human Relationships and Sexuality course.
51 Food for thought
Zalog--J. C.
Little sisters prepare food; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
52 Making "dough" Joyce Kuehl talks about the bread dough art mini-course.
53 The Marlins present "Sports Spectacular"
Zalog--J. C.
A look at the preparations for the spring show; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
54 Down in the Valley
Finder--Sally (Student--1983)
55 Summer Chorus planned
Cashman--Teresa K. (Class of 1986)
Professor Ritschell will organize group.
56 Two UNI instructors recall Afghanistan experience Sandra Witt and Nancy Newell talk about Afghanistan.
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# Article Article Summary
57 Creighton bombs Panthers 11-1
Schmitt--Mike D. (Class of 1983)
Panthers commit 4 errors in loss.
58 Cyclones shutout UNI in soccer
Panthers lose in Dome.
59 Elsberry, Federspiel set marks
Swanson--Michael K. (Class of 1988)
Panthers begin outdoor season on a sour note.
60 Golfers battle cold, wind in Illinois
Elements cause problems.
61 Net sweep for men, women split 6-3, 3-6
Tennis teams are successful.
62 UNI, Minnesota split twinbill
Minnesota is protesting the Panther victory.
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# Article Article Summary
63 Pool champ Bandfield banks on education and relaxation
Bandfield has played pool since he was 10 years old; photo.