Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Beat the Heat
Burman--David Loren (Class of 1985)
Children relax in the fountain; photo.
2 Dorm fire is labeled as arson
Finder--Sally (Student--1983)
Small fire in fourth floor Dancer Hall restroom extinguished by residents.
3 Faculty Senate stiffens admission standards
New students should have more English and math classes; ACT scores may be considered if coursework is weak.
4 New administrator is named to EOP post
Benning--Carol (Student--1984)
Profile of Charles L. Means.
5 Regents approve repairs budget Approve roofing projects, interchange agreement with Cedar Falls Utilities, CAC bonding.
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6 Jordan's work appreciated The United Negro College Fund honors James R. Jordan.
7 Scherzo
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
Mr. Spock selects Paul Teddie to become the next president of Northern Iowa.
8 Stalling educational progress
Adalikwu--Chris (Student--1982)
Student is against budget cuts for education.
9 Willing to buy the real thing Voters are encouraged to vote for Democrat Alan Cranston for president in 1984.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Legal defense against sexual harassment
Benning--Carol (Student--1984)
Definitions and conditions.
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# Article Article Summary
11 News Notes Phil Nelson honored for computer program; James Doud elected president of national lab school group; Jean Kimball publishes article on James Joyce; photo.
12 UNI crime rate drops
A look at crime statistics at the Regents universities.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Kuehl to break in successor
Cashman--Teresa K. (Class of 1986)
Professor Kuehl talks about his career and the field of education; photo.
14 Slight decline in number of tenured faculty at UNI 53% of faculty now tenured; minority faculty increase slightly.
15 UNI Student Association Seeking to fill vacancies.
16 UNI/GLO (Gay and Lesbian Outreach) Will meet.
17 What's up Meetings and activities.
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18 Chill out Cottontop Coop will demonstrate summer coolers.
19 LUV has ups and downs
Finder--Sally (Student--1983)
Review of the Theatre UNI performance, 'LUV'.
20 LUV ticket information
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# Article Article Summary
21 Pottery exhibition returns to UNI Contemporary pottery on display; photo.