Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Building official outlines complaint procedures
Cedar Falls official tells how to go about solving problems with off-campus housing.
2 Draft registration needed for loans
Students must register for draft in order to be eligible for financial aid.
3 ROTC award winners
Murray--Kenneth M. (Class of 1985)
Awards are presented at the ROTC ceremony.
4 WhistleSTOP instructs women on rape prevention
Murray--Kenneth M. (Class of 1985)
Lisa Schoonover talks about the program to use whistles to alert others of assault.
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5 Blanketsquad
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
Officer Bullworker catches a student trying to open a car door with a coat hanger.
6 Cites 'linguistic lapse'
Hansen--Lucy (Library Assistant)
Lucy Hansen is disappointed by chauvinism in Curris's speech.
7 Initiation activity 'demeaning'
A student is insulted by silly initiation pranks.
8 Liked first of film series
Nijim--Germana Portesan (International Services Staff)
Encourages students to attend a foreign film series.
9 Yearbook sports section draws criticism
Feel more team pictures should have been included in the yearbook.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Policies and procedures manual revised
New Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook brings policies together in one place.
11 UNI posts new solicitation rules
New policy on display of posters, banners, and advertisement.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Experimental retirement planned New phased retirement program began in summer 1983; will be reviewed after four years; provisions of program.
13 Old Gold to take senior photographs
14 Police guard dogs trained
Cedar Falls have two new dogs; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Free tutoring sessions continue
EOP offers service.
16 Peer advising program introduced
Robst--Elizabeth L. (Class of 1984)
Will begin peer advising service for EOP students.
Robst--Elizabeth L. (Class of 1984)
Considers quorum bill.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Hanson leaves post at Iowa Academy of Science Robert Hanson steps down after 16 years as head of IAS; Professor MacMillan will succeed him.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Business club seeks members
Brown--Molly (Student--1983-1984)
Purposes of Administrative Management Society.
20 DeCoursey to speak at Judson House
Brown--Molly (Student--1983-1984)
Virginia DeCoursey will speak on her experiences as a writer.
21 News notes
Shull Hall Escort Service available; seeking UPB members and Inner Weather staff.
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22 Higher standards urged
Murray--Kenneth M. (Class of 1985)
Robert Benton speaks to lunch group.
23 UNISA offers car pooling
Attempting to set up campus-wide service.
24 University speakers slated
President Curris, Donald Kaul, and Xiao Qian scheduled.
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25 Anorexia nervosa/bulimia Support group will meet.
26 Physical Education Club Will hold first meeting.
27 Pom pon tryouts Will be held.
28 Royal Oak Art Exhibits Nina Ward's work on display.
29 Student Council for Exceptional Children Membership drive.
30 UNI cheerleaders Will hold art sale.
31 United Faculty Will host social gathering.
32 University Speakers Committee Seeking two members.
33 What's Up Meetings and activities; Personal Awareness and Assertion group; plant sale.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Scholarships available at UNI
Porter--Patty (Class of 1985)
Graduate College offers scholarship information.
35 Tail-gate picnic opens season
Murray--Kenneth M. (Class of 1985)
Alumni Association organizes pre-game party; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
36 New hall coordinator likes UNI
Profile of Bender Hall Coordinator Donna Polc; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Orchesis kicks up its heels
Orchesis tryouts; photo.
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38 A "bell tower" ballad
A look at the Campanile's carillon and carillonneur Robert Byrnes; photo.
39 Educational 'tour' of art
Finder--Sally (Student--1983)
Gallery is looking for docents.
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# Article Article Summary
40 A 'masterful' showing at UNI Gallery of Art
Finder--Sally (Student--1983)
A look at the current print display; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
41 Special 'siblings' become friends
Students talk about their experiences in the Big Brother and Big Sister program.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Research in Russia Professor Tim O'Connor will be in the Soviet Union this year; photo.
43 Roles won by campus actors Two faculty and two students will play in Cedar Falls production.
44 Stetson to judge Cattle Congress art
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# Article Article Summary
45 'Out of this World' book
Cashman--Teresa K. (Class of 1986)
Review of the book "Life, the Universe, and Everything."
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# Article Article Summary
46 "Art treasures" available Portfolio of prints by art faculty available for contribution of $750; photo.
47 A UNI earth scientist writes 'history' book Wayne Anderson publishes book on Iowa geology.
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# Article Article Summary
48 "Mudra Era" begins in grand fashion, 34-10
Hillgartner--David K. (Class of 1984)
UNI wins over Drake in the first game of the season; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
49 Alumni netters "still have it"
UNI volleyball squad takes on alumni; photo.
50 UNI kickers win tourney UNI soccer team wins over Waterloo Stars.
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# Article Article Summary
51 Panthers will face tough opponent in Indiana State
Hillgartner--David K. (Class of 1984)
Indiana State is the best team UNI will face all season; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
52 Interim athletic director appointed Bob Bowlsby is named interim athletic director for UNI.
53 Trial run for women's CC
Swanson--Michael K. (Class of 1988)
The cross country team will compete against Iowa, Iowa State, and Northeast Missouri in "none-scored" meet.