Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Cranston forum tomorrow Field organizers will be on campus.
2 Iowa Guaranteed Student Loans: How well are they working?
3 Kegger limitations still being considered
Barnes--David T. (Class of 1984)
Still seeking legal opinions on large beer parties.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Accounting students respond
Several students feel that Dr. Halverson is a man with great concern for accounting students.
5 Scherzo
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
6 Tuesday morning
Ratekin--Jack G. (Class of 1984)
Ratekin makes predictions about what will not happen in 1984.
7 Went too far
Hawley--Michael C.
Two Spanish students feel that remarks in previous letter were uncalled for.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Religious figures in politics features in book Professor Maier talks about her book on Ghana; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Regents approve several UNI programs Receive reports on family housing and KUNI; approve appointment of John Conner; restructure P & S positions; approve participation in faculty exchange program.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Demolition of Old Ad postponed six months
Robst--Elizabeth L. (Class of 1984)
Considering plans for renovation of building; sketch of floor plans.
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# Article Article Summary
11 French Club Will meet.
12 The Ethnic Minorities Student Association Will meet Tuesdays.
13 Tri-Beta Will meet to discuss goals.
14 What's Up Meetings and activities; Christ for UNI; Students for Cranston.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Harassment literature reviewed Professor Maypole and Rosemarie Skaine complete review of the literature.
16 Scholarship news Tom Pettit Scholarships in journalism are available.
17 UNIPA elects presidents Leta and John Behling are leaders.
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18 Black History Month activities
Brief schedule.
19 Expenditure questioned
20 Film series Available as part of Professor Cawelti's course.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Band hits bar with 'nonstop' rock Review of performance by The Nonstop at Steb's.
22 UNI history: Book store in limbo
Finder--Sally (Student--1983)
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# Article Article Summary
23 Union announces spring semester mini-course offerings Extensive list and brief descriptions of mini-courses.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Renaissance revisited by new music group
Collegium Musicum will perform; description of their formation and objectives.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Magazine deadline near
Seeking submissions.
26 Theater course offered Jay Edelnant will host three-part course.
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27 So close Lewis Sondgeroth gains points against Missouri.
28 Wrestlers get revenge on Wisconsin, squeak by Missouri
Hillgartner--David K. (Class of 1984)
UNI wins two very close wrestling matches against Wisconsin and Missouri.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Quest for another track title begins UNI men's track team will host the Iowa Big Four meet in the Dome.
30 Road jinx continues to plague UNI
Hillgartner--David K. (Class of 1984)
The men's basketball team is defeated by Southwest Missouri.
31 Women cagers drop two
Meyer--Todd K.
UNI women's basketball team was defeated by Illinois State.