Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Archbishop stresses higher learning
Wheeler--Elizabeth A. (Class of 1987)
The archbishop of the Diocese of Dubuque spoke to students at the Catholic Student Center about the importance of higher education and leadership; photo.
2 Harkin campaigns for husband
Wheeler--Elizabeth A. (Class of 1987)
Ruth Harkin travels around Iowa campaigning for her husband.
3 Women raising awareness
A look at the work of the Women's Studies Program and the Women's Action League.
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4 Immaculate Perception
Cashman--Teresa K. (Class of 1986)
A discussion of Medicare and Medicaid, as well as unemployment.
5 Scherzo
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
The Old Ad demolition man consults with President Curris.
6 Untitled
Lamos--Susan (Student--1984)
Believes Bartlett Hall needs repairs.
7 Untitled
Mosiman--Jeff (Student--1984)
Disheartened by the burning of a float at the Delta Chi house.
8 Untitled
Fosselman--Jimmy Joe
Discusses Geraldine Ferraro's comments made about the Reagan-Bush administration.
9 Untitled
Wood--Evelyn S. (English Faculty)
Evelyn Wood urges caution about disregarding Writing Competency Exam; it may go away eventually, but not soon.
10 Untitled
Nielsen--Eric G. (Class of 1987)
Believes columnist erred in describing the current political situation.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Thought-provoking sign A sign was put on the remnants of the Old Administration Building saying "R.O.T.C. Memorial Building".
Postpones vote on ROTC; considers constitutional amendment regarding Senate vacancies.
13 Untitled Ross Nielsen talks about the tightening economic conditions for the Lab School.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Needs enilemit stressed
The most important part of a promotion is "Enilemit" or timeline backwards, according to Drake Martin at a Public Relations Student Society of America meeting.
15 Tour the cities via the MET system
Information concerning the Public Transportation system, formerly known as the MET.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Ethnic center looking for director
Reyes--Alma P. (Classes of 1985 and 1988)
Former director Dwight Greer quit the Ethnic Minorities Cultural Center for personal reasons, and therefore a search for a director continues.
17 Fee schedule presented
An informational meeting was scheduled and promoted by UNISA for the students to be able to ask questions about how their tuition is broken down; photo.
18 New professors on faculty staff
Two new professors have been added to the staff of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Jeanne Arnold and Marianne Fisher-Giorlando.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Debate team tournament The annual debate tournament will be held at UNI this upcoming weekend.
20 Greek Weekly
Baker--Mark P.
A list of the different fraternities and sororities that have been on the UNI campus at one time or another; Kappa Sigma is the newest.
21 Homecoming winners A list of winners for the Homecoming floats and the window painting.
22 What's Up Meetings and activities.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Oklahoma experiences education reform
Carl Downing, a mathematics and education professor, spoke at UNI about the extended Teacher Education Program in Oklahoma.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Corning's balancing act
Profile of Joy Corning; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
25 The battle continues
Hudson--Michael B. (HPELS Staff)
An update on the World Chess Championship.
26 Yol personalizes war
Bingham--Elizabeth (Class of 1915)
A review of a Turkish film that was shown in the U-Hall.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Kozacik could change his act A review on the performance of Keith Kozacik at Studio One.
28 Something to laugh about
Otting--Gary (Student--1983-1985)
Don Reese from Sioux City stole the show with his amazing wit during the break between performances at Steb's Amusement; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Walking safely after nightfall
Heitman--Char Les (Class of 1988)
The Shull Hall Escort Service is there to help you to your destination after nightfall on campus, and some places off campus.
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# Article Article Summary
30 $60,000 trust fund for men's cc
Norbert Noecker, alumnus, gave a $60,000 scholarship trust fund to the Cross Country team.
31 Panthers to battle Leathernecks
UNI prepares to take on the Western Illinois.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Hawthorne suspended Eric Hawthorne is suspended for the 1984-1985 season.
33 Kriebs names assistant coach The new assistant wrestling coach, John Kriebs, is a former UNI All-American.
34 UNI to host invitational The volleyball team prepares for a busy weekend with an invitational and several away games.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Wittman wins run in record time
The winner of the third annual Stacy Miller Memorial run was Lisa Wittman.
36 Women's cross country The women's cross country team decided not to travel to Iowa State, because of the hilly course there.