Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Kemp proud to be Republican
Cashman--Teresa K. (Class of 1986)
Excerpts from speech by Jack Kemp; photo.
2 They came to party
Melton--Linda (Class of 1986)
A Halloween party for the little children of families that live in the University Apartments was held in the quads, where games and trick-or-treating took place; photo.
3 Visible gender gap vote
Wheeler--Elizabeth A. (Class of 1987)
Women are more likely to register as Democrats than as Republicans.
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# Article Article Summary
4 In response . . . .
Cashman--Teresa K. (Class of 1986)
Teresa Cashman reiterates policy for letters to the editor; says that some letters did not include the required information and were not printed.
5 Says biases effect the NI's editorial credibility
Serck--Steven L.
A student comments on the responsibility of the Northern Iowan to remain neutral on the upcoming elections.
6 Scherzo
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
A new Spam drink.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Floor jacket stolen Tenth Floor Bender pleads for return of floor jacket stolen from bar.
8 Is this peace?
Smith--Paul A. (Class of 1988)
Critical of those who used graffiti on Peace Day.
9 Little concern being shown
Berger--Karmen R. (Class of 1985)
Believes UNI should not be helping a South African library.
10 Need animals for research
Barrett--Todd J. (Class of 1985)
Believes animal research is necessary.
11 Still no action on smokestack
Humorous suggestions for the dirty smokestack.
12 The ideology of Marx¿
Fosselman--Jimmy Joe
Sees similarity between Marx and the Bible.
13 Where's the action?
Katcher--James (Student--1984)
Trying to straighten out the student political parties.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Anderson defends his campaign
A summary of the issues that Ted Anderson talked about in his speech in the Union before the elections.
Considers action against Students for Peace because of their apparent use of graffiti.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Atomic art from Japan
Heitman--Char Les (Class of 1988)
Speaker John Dower comments on the art of the Japanese from the time of the atomic bomb; photo.
17 Polling locations Information on where to vote in the upcoming election. The previous map was incorrect.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Commuter marriages common with dual careers
Koehler--Catherine (Class of 1985)
Couples that manage two separate careers, two residences, and one family life.
19 Speech-hearing convention set for Nov. 16-19
Four will attend convention; three will be part of program.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Fitness plan just for you
Melton--Linda (Class of 1986)
UNI-Dome Policy Board will help people set up personal fitness plans.
21 Silent problems of Guatemala
Melton--Linda (Class of 1986)
As a part of Peace day activities, Sister Mary Malherek speaks on the situation in Central America, specifically in Guatemala; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
22 KUNI still raising funds
Looking for volunteers to assist.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Elected office not only box to check on ballot
Two constitutional amendments will also be included on the ballot.
24 What's Up Meetings and activities.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Cedarloo events Information about art, music, and theatre events in the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area.
26 Kaplan portrays Groucho The star of Welcome Back Kotter, Gabe Kaplan will be performing Groucho at the UNI Auditorium; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Environmental book reviewed A review of the book "Season of Spoils".
28 Photo display Work of Dan Powell's class on display in lobby of Strayer/Wood Theatre.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Check out the UNI Museum
Quick look at the collections.
30 Chess Puzzler
Hudson--Michael B. (HPELS Staff)
Teaching new chess techniques.
31 Memorabilia for sale Movie posters will be for sale; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
32 All through the 80's
A look at the convenience of fast food; wonders if it is worth it.
33 Audition for X-mas shows Information about the auditions for the Christmas Variety Shows.
34 Hitchcock films to be shown
Five Hitchcock films will be shown in November at the Regents Theatre in Cedar Falls, beginning with "Rear Window".
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# Article Article Summary
35 Cagers to play Canadians
The men's basketball team opens their season with a game against Brandon University of Canada.
36 Corporate sponsors names for tourney Information about the corporate sponsors this year for the men's basketball tournament, John Deery Motors and Dan Deery Motor Co.
37 Sporting Opinions
Amateur runners can be paid lots of money, but Olympic runners are not.
38 Wrestling preview
Coach Don Briggs comments on the upcoming season of wrestling, and how he is looking forward to it.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Conference clash The UNI Panthers battle for the conference title.
40 Service aces--part of life
A profile on Sylvia Eder, who is in the top ten ranking of service aces in the nation for volleyball; photo.
41 The Stats . . . The statistics relating to UNI's standing in the nation for football.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Home swim meet tonight
The women's swim team looks forward to their first meet.
43 Marlins in review¿
The Marlins donned many costumes and swam to music through the century to entertain students and relatives; photo of team included.
44 Team travels to Chicago The volleyball teams travels to Chicago to take on a trio of matches.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Walk-on from Waukon Mark Farley begins his career as a football player at UNI; photo.