Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Banner to hit stands Saturday
Melton--Linda (Class of 1986)
Cedar Falls will begin having its own tabloid sized weekly newspaper on Saturday; will be published by Oster Communications.
2 Newspaper coverage affects election results
Robert Ross comments on the media and journalism, and the affect they have on politics and voting.
3 Untitled
Reese--Gregory B. (Classes of 1989 and 2002)
Refreshments are served at the retirement party for James Bailey; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Affirmative Action officer discusses racist views in society
Monteiro--Marilyn (Affirmative Action Staff)
Marilyn Monteiro outlines views on affirmative action.
5 Scherzo
Hantula--Tim (Class of 1985)
Agrees to printing of thesis in adult magazine.
6 Untitled Appreciates Heather Draper's writing.
7 Untitled
Camarigg--Valerie M. (Class of 1986)
Angry with comments in recent letter.
8 Untitled
Davis--Jean (Student--1946)
Believes recent letter writer did not make a good case regarding comments of a local radio person.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Do politics and religion mix?
Siems--Jon (Student--1984)
Questions the mixture when it interferes with others.
10 Gets muddy for world peace
Humorous suggestion that students join a mud wrestling for peace group.
11 Parking policy irritating
Claims that handicapped parking was used for Senator Grassley's hearing.
12 Untitled Unhappy about student parking during Dome event.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Join in tree-lighting Thursday Photo.
14 New Notes Information about snow removal, the UNI Parent's Association, volunteers needed for the Black Hawk Community Heart Association, and the sale of items with the UNI logo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Tour abroad over break
Maravetz--William L. (Classes of 1985 and 1992; Library
Information about a trip abroad to Paris, Brussels, and London being led by John Page; Professor Page talks about the trip.
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# Article Article Summary
16 UNI-GLO members discuss relationships
Schuldt--Dana K. (Class of 1985)
A feature on the relationships and lives of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals as outlined by UNI-GLO members.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Lecture on Iowa governors David Walker will present a lecture on the problems faced in the Iowa Territory.
18 UNIPA offering merit awards UNIPA scholarships procedures.
19 What's Up Meetings and activities.
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20 Economics trip set for May
Dunn--Daniel D. Danny (Class of 1985)
Ken McCormick and Janet Rives talk about the three week trip to England and France.
21 I want to rock . . . . Two competitors in the airband competition in West towers; photo.
22 Oral skills workshops set Two workshops on teaching oral communication offered by Mary Bozik.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Portuguese language offered
Robert Krueger brings the sixth language of the world, Portuguese, into the Modern Languages Department; hopes to set up trip to Portugal.
24 Prison gang research
Clemens Bartollas and Gene Lutz are doing research on gangs in a prison system.
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# Article Article Summary
25 English skills testing offered International students are now offered a chance to take a Test of English as a Foreign Language.
26 UNI: a test score junkie?
Students offer views on number of tests.
27 Visine not a cure-all
Everding--Rod D.
Information about visine, the purpose and how it works.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Grant writing workshop A workshop for writing grants will be held at the UNI Center for Urban Education.
29 PRisms students apply skills
Students have a chance to be involved with a program that helps area companies.
30 Travel to Japan for credit Information about an exchange program for students with Kansai Gaidal University of Foreign Studies in Japan.
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# Article Article Summary
31 CAST helps find jobs
Career Awareness and Social Skills Training (CAST) offers area high school students a look at jobs that their motor, academic, and social skills would apply to.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Computer recruitment has a long way to go
Jim Handorf speaks at length about the uses of computers in recruiting workers.
33 Forensics team performs well The seven member team took third place at two tournaments recently; many individual winners.
34 Print store, a campus supplier
Print Services offers a variety of school supplies.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Merton of the Movies doesn¿t make it big at UNI
Review of the play; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Another chance to see pageant The Black Hawk Community Children's Theatre added one more performance to their production of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever".
37 Chess puzzler
Hudson--Michael B. (HPELS Staff)
A chess move that stumps many, and how to get out of it.
38 RHA holiday celebration
Cashman--Teresa K. (Class of 1986)
The season of Christmas has already begun with the holiday celebration of the Residence Hall Association; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Inner Weather accepting works
Hoing--Dave (Class of 1979; Library Staff)
Information on the student publication of Inner Weather; how to get your work included.
40 Poetry course offered Information about a course offered in the spring semester studying the poetry and fiction from a wide variety of Iowa authors.
41 Student wins recognition
Ken Weiler will have his poem Inner Self published within the Annual Anthology of American Collegiate Poets; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Much music for your ears Information of upcoming events in the School of Music, including concerts from the Men's Glee Club, UNI Singers, Women's Chorus, and others.
43 Renaissance dining at UNI The Northern University High School presents its 17th annual Madrigal dinner for the community.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Panthers take Bears, 57-0
Hillgartner--David K. (Class of 1984)
The Panthers buried Southwest Missouri State, 57-0, in the home wrestling tournament.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Penguins win classic
Hillgartner--David K. (Class of 1984)
The winning streak of 17 home games came to a halt, as UNI men's basketball team loses, 70-57, to the Youngstown State Penguins in the Deery Brothers Dome Classic; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Swim captains help teammates
A profile of the two co-captains for the women's swimming team, Ami Gray and Lori McDowell.
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# Article Article Summary
47 Fitness program discussed
Wilcox--Pamela Anne
Pat Stieg and Lynn Woitaszek speak on how students could improve their level of fitness; photo.
48 Swimmers drop three
Men lose to Bradley and Western Illinois; women lose to Western Illinois.