Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Business School adds classes--still short
Eller--Donnelle Louise (Class of 1986)
Extra funds will allow addition of more classes; problem seems to be in accommodating students in introductory classes.
2 General Education changes discussed
Committee meets with students to get their ideas.
3 Students get answers
Students meet with Provost Martin, who tries to explain why Dean Morin is being asked to step down.
4 Untitled
Alexandres--Leanne J. (Class of 1986)
Jay Hagedorn, Dean Conrad, and Jim Baldwil talk on top of the Union; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Beauty vs. Education: Financial priorities considered Feels the University is spending too much money on the appearance of the campus.
6 Kampus
Pigeon is scared of evil spirits.
7 Untitled
Findlay--Donald Frank (Class of 2000)
Feels the University should not be spending large amounts of money on Christmas lights when other needs are so apparent.
8 Untitled
Fencl--Daniel D. (Student--1985)
Gives opinion on homosexuality.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Reaganomics--An end of hope for the poor
Moore--Rogan H.
Blames Reagan Administration for not helping the poor.
10 Untitled
Shows views on proposed fees and tuition increases.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Junkins on campus, announces candidacy for governor
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Excerpts from speech; photo.
12 State ecologist to be at UNI Dean Roosa will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Reprioritizing of projects underway
Barnes--Ann (Class of 1988)
Rick Stinchfield analyzing campus projects.
14 Salvadorian deportation criticized
Swanson--Leif D.
Karen Parker speaks on El Salvador.
15 Untitled
Alexandres--Leanne J. (Class of 1986)
Stephanie Viggos works at Pickles Deli in the Union; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Octubafest finale slated
Brian Book and students talk about the upcoming events.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Former UNI student speaks out
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Connie Hohlfield speaks on Nicaragua; photo.
18 PEACELINKS to sponsor discussion Will discuss what women can do to prevent nuclear war.
19 What's up Meetings and activities.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Group to attend conference
Welch--James D. (Laboratory School Faculty)
Graduate students will attend national conference on speech and hearing.
21 Professor to discuss transcendental meditation
Charles Alexander will speak.
22 UNI professors receive award
Witt--Nancy (Student--1985-1988)
Win ARC award.
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# Article Article Summary
23 First Lions scholarship for hearing impaired awarded
VerMulm--Lisa Joy (Class of 1987)
Carolyn Osborne wins scholarship; photo.
24 Students join home ec. Club
VerMulm--Lisa Joy (Class of 1987)
List of students initiated into Phi Upsilon Omicron.
25 Women's ministry role in transition
Alexandres--Leanne J. (Class of 1986)
Edwina Schaufler, associate director at St. Stephen Center, talks about women in religion; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Noel sings tonight Sofia Noel will sing.
27 Nomad promotes Austria
Bingham--Elizabeth (Class of 1915)
Hans Sabaditsch, Austrian consul general, is on campus; photo.
28 The Crue to perform Motley Crue will perform.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Concerts boast national talent Fine performers on Live from Studio One.
30 What's that you say?
Words for odd situations.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Camelot well done
Review of the play "Camelot".
32 Seminars, dance on tap for wellness program Schedule of upcoming activities.
33 Untitled
Alexandres--Leanne J. (Class of 1986)
Mike Clayton and Maria Wharff work on a science project; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Natty Gann lives up to Disney standard
Crowley--Pat (Student--1982)
Review of the movie " The Journey of Natty Gann".
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# Article Article Summary
35 Advisers help freshmen fit in
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
A look at the Peer Advising program.
36 German tradition part of the Hill
Bingham--Elizabeth (Class of 1915)
History of Stammtisch, a group that meets on the Hill to practice German.
37 Untitled
Alexandres--Leanne J. (Class of 1986)
Bob Collier studies on the steps outside Sabin; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Defensive stars set goal of post season appearance
Fries--Glen S. (Class of 1985)
Mark Farley and Moses Aimable plan to take the Panthers to the playoffs; photo.
39 Gateway conference championship tomorrow
Panthers hope to become the Mid-Continent Universities champion for the fourth year in a row.
40 UNI gets verbal commitment High school basketball player Kent Pollpeter makes a verbal commitment to come and play for the Panthers.
41 UNI shoots for fourth straight running crown Panthers look forward to successful finish at the Gateway Conference Championships.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Panthers ranked 6th in poll
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Panthers to play Illinois State; photo.
43 Writer names basketball players most likely to. . .
Lists predictions for different National Basketball Association players.