Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Hall contracts examined
Swanson--Leif D.
Consider clause allowing search and entry, requirement to purchase meal contract, and penalty for leaving.
2 Lost books pose problem for library
Jessica Marshall and Doug Hieber talk about the procedures for dealing with lost library books; over 1000 reported missing in 1984-1985.
3 UNISA considers purchase
Mike Hager talks about the needs and uses for a computer system in the student organization area.
4 Untitled
Alexandres--Leanne J. (Class of 1986)
Children play on a slide at the park at Hillside Courts; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 'I'm a fundamentalist--bait me!'
Chung--David R.
Discusses the differences between humanism and fundamentalism.
6 Applause
Congratulates David Chung for his column, Anomaly, in the November 12 issue of the Northern Iowan.
7 Education
Comments on several controversial issues concerning the University.
8 The little red hen tries again
Encourages students to complain about the cut in state funding.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Agnostics
Responds to a letter to the editor written by Daniel Bashore in the November 12 issue of the Northern Iowan.
10 Curris--a catalyst
Skaine--James Cole (Speech Faculty)
Believes that the school spirit being shown around campus is due to several positive changes made by President Curris.
11 Fundamentalists
Uhlenhopp--Elizabeth D. (Class of 1989)
Responds to J. Harley McIlrath's column, Babelogue, in the November 12 issue of the Northern Iowan; states that she learned both the fear of and the love of God as a child.
12 Homosexuality--what does the Bible say?
Reineke--Martha J. (Philosophy & Religion Faculty)
Discusses some of the differences between the Bible we have today and the original Hebrew and Greek versions.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Casino Night
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
William Lawson watches students gamble at Casino Night in the West Towers Lounge; photo.
14 Evolution vs. creationism Professor McCalley will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
15 New courses in Russian studies List of new courses.
16 What's Up Meetings and activities.
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# Article Article Summary
17 International affairs minor in full swing
Engel--Jeffrey S. (Class of 1987)
Professor Vajpeyi talks about the new minor.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Departments' moves halted
Move of Department of Home Economics and Department of Earth Science into Latham Hall stopped due to shortage of funds.
19 Garcia to speak Ricardo Garcia will speak on multiethnicity.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Actress' mom says: 'It's a tough life'
Profile of Shelley Tharp; photo.
21 He is a friend, so just call him Bob
Alexandres--Leanne J. (Class of 1986)
Profile of Lawther Hall custodian Bob Swan; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Counteract the common cold
Thompson--Joan A. (Health Services Staff)
Tips on taking care of oneself.
23 They are anxious, ambitious
Shinichi Nakamoto talks about his country, Japan.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Best part of job is hungry people
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
A look at the work in the Dome concessions stands; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Panthers get 9th straight win, 49-0
Panthers defeat Northwest Missouri State; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Panthers beat Alumni 87-70 UNI defeated a strong alumni team in the second half of the game.
27 UNI to play Southern Illinois
Panthers compete for the Gateway Conference Championship.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Coach recalls program's beginning
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Wanda Green was the first ever woman's basketball coach at UNI; photo.
29 Runners finish tenth
Steve Gearhart had the best UNI finish at the NCAA Region 5 meet.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Freshman making change to 5-on-5
Profile of freshman basketball player Kris Huffman; photo.
31 Swimmers drop two last weekend
Panthers lose to Northern Illinois and the University of Chicago-Illinois.