Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Lean' on practical ideas for gifts
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# Article Article Summary
2 Air band offers pleasant, entertaining substitute for Hill
Results of the recent competition; photo.
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3 Area businesses offer unique gift ideas
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# Article Article Summary
4 Christmas traditions--as varied as the number of countries in the world
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5 Dorm rooms dresses with holiday trimmings
Decoration ideas; photo.
6 Gospel is unique music Jay T. Hairston talks about the new Gospel Choir.
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7 Handmade look is crafty Craft ideas.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Ho Ho Ho!
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Kendra Schweer, Rhonda Wittenburg, and the Men's Glee Club all participate in Christmas activities; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Holiday far from home can be lonely
International students talk about what they do over the holidays.
14 Untitled Christmas recipes.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Holiday Spirit
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Students get ready for Christmas; photo.
11 How do you do your Christmas shopping?
Klostermann--Marcia (Student--1985-1986)
Students offer ideas; photo.
15 What does Christmas mean to you?
Klostermann--Marcia (Student--1985-1986)
Students offer ideas; photo.
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12 Store specializes in Christmas
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
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# Article Article Summary
13 The spirit of Christmas is lost in commercialization
Students talk about what they like and dislike about Christmas.
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16 Congress debates Higher Ed Act
Goodwin--Valerie (Student--1985)
17 Hiiiii-Yaaaaa
Alexandres--Leanne J. (Class of 1986)
Deb Gaulrapp and Mike McCauley participate in the Christmas Variety Show; photo.
18 Pigeon roosting poses problem
Mayo--Sandra (Class of 1987)
Will try to drive pigeons away with electronic device and with fake hawk.
19 UNI wins playoff game Saturday Will play Georgia Southern in semifinals.
20 Withdrawal policy considered
Benning--Linda (Class of 1987)
EPC hears arguments for and against reduction of time allowed to add or drop a class.
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21 Accuracy . . . in Academia?
Chung--David R.
Believes that the people who support Accuracy in Academia are trying to limit professors' right to free speech.
22 College lunch
Marlow--Paul S. (Class of 1988)
Student studies for finals.
23 Who pays?
Pantini--Andrew J.
Asks that the University make a computer lab for students only.
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24 A rebuttal
Reineke--Martha J. (Philosophy & Religion Faculty)
Responds to a letter to the editor written by Mildred Rugger in the November 26 issue of the Northern Iowan.
25 Handicapped parking
Steinhauser--Larry M. (Disabilities Services Staff)
Points out need of handicapped students for the specially-designated spaces.
26 Music
Wheeler--Rebecca (Class of 1987; English Faculty)
Comments on the lack of information given in the Northern Iowan about local bands.
27 Sticky fingers
Upset that other students are so quick to steal someone else's things.
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28 Anticipation
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Children wait in line to see Santa Clause in the Hemisphere Lounge; photo.
29 Grassley to hold listening post
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30 What's Up Meetings and activities.
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31 Presentation Will examine lives and roles of South African women.
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32 Graduation is Saturday 600 expected to attend.
33 Parking rules revised
General information about parking finances and regulations.
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34 Panthers win 17-14
Panthers advance into the semifinal round of the playoffs after win against Eastern Washington; photo.
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35 Small crowd costs university money
Danielson--Darwin W. (Class of 1987)
Attendance at the first playoff game was less than half of the regular season games; UNI may have lost $40-50,000 on the guarantee.
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36 Harris carries on tradition
Profile of forward Nate Harris.
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37 Wrestlers place 13 in own tournament
Panthers have thirteen place winners in the UNI Open.
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38 Swimmers sink in weekend meets
Panthers lose to Coe College and tie for second in the Hamline Relays.