Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Austrian diplomat to speak on international terrorism, disarmament Monday at UNI His address is entitled "Disarmament, Terrorism and other World Problems: Views of a Neutral Country".
2 Documentary on impact of violence to be shown Tuesday at UNI as part of Women's History Week Activities The award winning documentary called "The Fear That Binds Us" will be presented by the Women's Action League.
3 Runners needed for 5th annual April Governor's Run for Heart The run raises money for the American Heart Association and promotes physical fitness; the run is from Cedar Falls to the State Capitol in Des Moines April 13-14.
4 Tickets on sale for orchesis spring show 'Dance Children Dance' Feb. 21, 22, 23 Orchesis is UNI's student dance troupe; the students are responsible for the choreography, costumes, production and publicity; the show will feature jazz, tap, modern, breakdancing and a touch of comedy and Broadway flair.
5 UNI team wins state forensics tournament UNI won first place with 255 points over ISU's second place with 169 points at the Iowa Intercollegiate Forensic Association Tournament; individual first place in persuasive speaking went to Schnathorst.
6 Women composers project at UNI to include three days of musical activities as part of women's history week celebration The fourth annual event will kick off UNI's celebration of Women's History Week; a reception will follow the concert.
7 Women composers project at UNI to include three days of musical activities as part of Women's History Week Celebration The fourth annual concert will kick off UNI's celebration of Women's History Week; a reception will follow the concert.
8 Women's history week activities at UNI tie in with national celebration March 2-8 The week of March 2 is the 5th annual celebration of "Women's History Week;" UNI events include a concert with works by women composers and an address on "Women and Politics".