Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 And the band played on . . .
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Carl Koch, Dana Andrews, and Fred Hucke play in the UNI Bearcats Dixieland Band; photo.
2 Animal research questioned
Smith--Michael Joseph (Classes of 1986 and 1990)
Professor Gordon Harrington explains why animal research is necessary to science.
3 Senate approves writing proposal
Eller--Donnelle Louise (Class of 1986)
Faculty Senate hopes to replace the writing competency exam with a full semester writing course.
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4 Defends RHA
Comments on recent criticism of the RHA.
5 Friday Morning . . .
Comments on local student housing.
6 Give equal condemnation
Phelps--Russell H.--III (Class of 1988)
Questions students' reasons for choosing to protest the apartheid in South Africa instead of the human rights violations in the Soviet Union.
7 Greeks criticize the NI
Mackovich--Martin A.
Believes that the Northern Iowan should have done an article discussing Greek Week.
8 NI gave free publicity Manager of local convenience store believes that the NI gave free advertising to the upcoming Woodstock II party.
9 Something for everyone. . .
Findlay--Donald Frank (Class of 2000)
Discusses the use of student identification cards around campus.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Course may replace writing exam
Discusses possible changes in the writing requirements of the general education program.
11 Protesters arrested
Klostermann--Marcia (Student--1985-1986)
Professors Michael Sonnleitner and Louis Hellwig were arrested for criminal trespassing while protesting contra aid.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Atwood writes no 'trivial trash'
Author Margaret Atwood speaks at the Iowa Student as Critic Conference; photo.
13 What's Up Activities and meetings; Cinema UNI will show "My Brilliant Career."
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14 Peace days next week List scheduled events for the World Peace Days.
15 Public invited to be audience KWWL will use a live audience in their broadcast of a town meeting on AIDS.
16 Reading workshop today Drs. Harlan and Ruth Hansen will speak at the UNI Conference on Beginning Reading.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Senate supports financial aid amendment
UNISA Senate decides against supporting a response to the terrorist acts that have been directed towards Americans traveling in Europe.
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# Article Article Summary
18 English offers options
Melz--Marianne (Class of 1987)
English majors Jennifer Thomas, Jeanne Fisher, and Teresa Forbes give a seminar at the Iowa Student as Critic Conference.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Grad student receives $10,000
Danielson--Darwin W. (Class of 1987)
Darrell Durvenga brings the Iowa Scottish Rite Doctoral Fellowship program to UNI for the first time; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Experts discuss driving University holds Annual Safety Education Conference.
21 India non-aligned since Buddha
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
India's Consul General Peter Nazareth speaks on India's foreign policy; photo.
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22 Problem of missing children profiled in awareness week
Melz--Marianne (Class of 1987)
American Marketing Association will sponsor activities.
23 Special Olympics: athletes to take to the field
Nancy Pittman talks about the upcoming Special Olympics.
24 Wagon works in reality, fiction
Paul Sannerud talks about designing the set for "Mother Courage and her Children"; photo.
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25 Concert highlights young musicians
Martha Holvik talks about the upcoming Suzuki Strings concert; program began in 1976.
26 Third show in four months pushes students to work hard
Fashion Merchandising Club will put on show at College Square Mall.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Art faculty exhibition
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Beth Lee looks at display; photo.
28 Enterprising students turn hobby into a business
Students will open Northern Lights Bookstore at 917 W. 23rd Street.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Faculty artwork displayed in gallery
Kuhlmann--Venessa (Class of 1989)
Work of 19 faculty on display.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Golf, track teams have weekend meets Men's golf will host invitational; women's golf will go to Missouri; men's track will go to Kansas Relays; women's track will to LaCrosse.
31 Mayden signs Des Moines prep
Danielson--Darwin W. (Class of 1987)
Nicki Rohde will play at UNI.
32 Swim team changing coaches
Jim Hall will replace Susan Stodghill; photo.
33 Women split twinbill with Iowa Wednesday
UNI wins, 4-2, and loses, 3-1.
34 Women suffer second loss to Iowa State, 7-2
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
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35 Netters brave wet and cold, drop Luther, 6-2
Will next take part in Western Illinois Quadrangular.
36 Recruits excel in classroom
Norm Bogvnia, Steve Schmelzer, and Mike Brandmeyer will play baseball at UNI.