Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Building strong families is new 'wellness' craze Fmary ranken's class, "Family Wellness", seeks to help educators and helping professionals learn to identify the characteristics of strong families and to develop strategies for building on family strengths in their work with individuals and families.
2 Did you hear what I said? But were you really listening? Mary Bozik will teach a course called "Listening" that teaches one of the most valuable skills to develop, the ability to listen effectively; there will be role-play simulations for hands-on experiences.
3 Learning to budget time, money is important item on summer 'to do' list Barbara Pershing is teaching a class on basic principles of money management called "Management of Family Resources"; the course also covers human resources and time management.
4 Psyching up for competition Sharon Huddleston has studied how participation in sports changes human behavior; teaches a summer course called "Sports Psychology"; she says that sports have an impact on an athlete's personality and motivation.
5 Summer nature lovers can do their homework before visiting Iowa's forests Daryl Smith is teaching a course called "Iowa's forests" that gives lessons in identifying Iowa trees; later in the summer he will also teach a class called "Iowa's Prairies".
6 UNI students examine current economic issues in publication "Major Themes in Economics" is a collection of papers by UNI economics students, selected, edited and printed for the second year by members of the UNI chapter of Omicron Delta Epsilon economics honor society.
7 Weather or not is the question Shirley Cropper's summer course teaches what weather is made of and how it develops, how to interpret weather maps and weather data, and how to do forecasting for daily weather.
8 What makes your teenage tick? Ann Dunbar's class, "Psychology of Adolescence", is designed to help parents and teachers better understand and build relationships with their adolescents; she also can help with problems and identifying signs that a child is entering adolescence.