Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Gen ed requirements problem for ed majors
Melz--Marianne (Class of 1987)
May extend study beyond four years.
2 Passin' Time
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Family members Barb Hutchins and Lenore Neal watch a UNI volleyball game; photo.
3 Regents cap enrollment for UNI
Bingham--Elizabeth (Class of 1915)
Approve limit of 11,500 with no more than 10% from bottom half of high school class.
4 UNI suffers 'Iowa penalty'
President Curris speaks to faculty on lack of funding, quality of teacher education, and landscaping projects; photo.
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5 Band member grateful
Martens--Amy L. (Student--2007)
A band member thanks UNI President Curris for the opportunity for the recent band trip.
6 Bill destroys freedom of speech
Dotseth--Keith (Class of 1987)
Feels that a recent bill keeping flyers off campus violates the First Amendment.
7 NI opinions, actions questioned by Klein
Disagrees with the practices of the student newspaper.
8 Whim
The columnist jokingly describes some parts of everyday life that she feels should fall under penalty of law.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Correction In the September 16, 1986 issue, Frank DellaPenna is incorrectly identified as Robert Byrnes
10 Kwitchersnivlin'
Williams--Todd Allen (Class of 1989)
Satire on the Army's recruiting actions.
11 Respondents are 'intolerant'
Townsend--Dennis L.
A student defends his earlier letter against homosexuality.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Not singing in this rain
A picture of the wet conditions on campus this week.
13 UNI teacher education grads top national average on tests Dean Carver talks about the new tests.
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# Article Article Summary
14 News Briefs Program of study available in Klagenfurt, Austria.
15 Science colloquium
16 Watt to visit UNI James Watt will speak; photo.
17 What's Up Meetings and activities.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Junkins, Roehrick to speak at higher education forum
19 UNISA to hold special election
Bingham--Elizabeth (Class of 1915)
Will fill vacant positions.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Homecoming promises plenty of 'cruisin' activity
Danielson--Darwin W. (Class of 1987)
Description and schedule of Homecoming activities.
21 Thakur shares philosophy
Excerpts from remarks.
22 Theatre methods used for teaching
Moore--Lisa E. (Class of 1988)
Professor Berghammer talks about her theatre-in-education technique.
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# Article Article Summary
23 "Heartburn" gives writer unsettled feeling
A review of the movie "Heartburn."
24 KUNI offers bulletin board
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# Article Article Summary
25 Successful dress . . .
Students at a "Dress for Success" program; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Piagetian theory used for kids
Deb Burk speaks on the philosophy as applied at the Day Care Center.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Golf Classic begins today
Seventeen teams will meet for the 13th annual Northern Iowa Golf Classic.
28 Kern looks backward on career
Hawes--Christine E. (Class of 1990)
Profile of senior tennis player Renee Kern; photo.
29 Spikers head to Texas with win streak intact
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Volleyball has a 7-0 record this season; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Women netters to 2-0 UNI beat Grinnell, 7-2.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Player of the week
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Mike Smith is commended for his performance against Kansas State; photo.
32 Women runners at Midwest meet
Women's cross country is scheduled to start this weekend.