Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Gang tackle
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Running back Errol Peebles fights through a crowd of Eastern Illinois players; photo.
2 Hanssen not guilty of disorderly conduct
Reicks--Rodney Eugene (Class of 1988)
Mark Hanssen found not guilty of charges resulting from an incident in Pour Richard's; photo.
3 Transfer students program offers information, advice
Stephen Zerwas talks about the College of Education program for transfer students.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Branstad supports education
Lists some contributions Governor Branstad has made to education.
5 In the Public Eye
Hays--Richard Allen (Public Policy Faculty)
Discusses government subsidized housing.
6 Kwitchersnivlin'
Williams--Todd Allen (Class of 1989)
A student tries to sleep through his alarm clock.
7 NRHH scholarship selection questioned
Complains that a scholarship recipient was selected on unfair terms.
8 Political appearances appreciated
Praises UNI for having many political candidates appear on campus..
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# Article Article Summary
9 Christmas lights criticized.
Criticizes recent lighting work on campus.
10 The Allnighter's Club
Marlow--Paul S. (Class of 1988)
Satirizes Public Safety work.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Former rebel to present 'Confessions of a Contra'
Edgar Chammoro will speak.
12 Secretary of Agriculture candidates
Dale Cochran and Thatcher Johnson spoke Thursday in the Hemisphere Lounge; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Guest speakers at UNI: to entertain or to inform?
Truex--Joan (Student--1985-1987)
A look at the purposes and work of the University Speakers Committee.
14 New dean stresses research, leadership
Dean Deegan outlines goals; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 What's Up Meetings and activities.
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16 Magazine grows while at UNI
Moore--Lisa E. (Class of 1988)
Robley Wilson gives brief history of NAR; photo.
17 Resources workshop scheduled for Saturday
Will assist those who work with children to learn about community resources.
18 Tickets available for Chamber Music Series
Howard Jones talks about the series for 1986-1987; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Feature notes . . . Wind Symphony and Percussion Ensemble will perform; tickets available for "The Pirates of Penzance".
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# Article Article Summary
20 Rock 'n' roll to be featured Thursday
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# Article Article Summary
21 Club sports offer fun, not controversy
Hawes--Christine E. (Class of 1990)
Student-run sports clubs are about fun, not competition; photo.
22 UNI loses heartbreaker
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
UNI's record is now 3-1-1; photo.
23 UNI netters defeated by Bulldogs 9-0.
UNI loses its second Gateway Conference match of the season.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Sixth place finishes for UNI runners
Men's and women's team both earned sixth place finishes this weekend.
25 Spikers capture fourth tourney
Women's volleyball breaks school record by winning all four tournaments they have entered this year.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Golfers end season with 10th place finish
UNI's top five players were left at home to give other players more experience.
27 Men netters end exhibition season at 5-1
Men's tennis ends is fall season with wins against Black Hawk Tennis Club and Drake.