Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campus landscaping
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Students walk past some new trees near Berg's corner; photo.
2 Donation seekers spur suspicions
Men went from door to door seeking donations for a children's home.
3 General education to impact staffing distribution
Bingham--Elizabeth (Class of 1915)
Faculty and administrators speculate on ways to meet increased or shifted instructional needs.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Election ad questioned
Criticizes a recent ad, and feels that a recent campus mock election was fair.
5 Freedom fighters 'kill with U.S. tax dollars'
Roberts--Ronald Edward (Sociology Faculty)
Feels David Nagle, who is opposed to the Contras, should be elected to Congress instead of John McIntee.
6 Junkins' bond plan defended
Feels Lowell Junkins should replace Terry Branstad as Iowa governor.
7 Kwitchersnivlin'
Williams--Todd Allen (Class of 1989)
Students try on costumes for Halloween night.
8 McIntee supported
Findlay--Donald Frank (Class of 2000)
Feels John McIntee should be elected to Congress over his opponent David Nagle.
9 Roehrick supported
Koslowski--Julie A. (Classes of 1986 and 1988)
Exhorts students to vote John Roehrick into the U. S. Senate.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Compromise needed
Crownfield--David R. (Philosophy and Religion Facu
Professor Crownfield looks at the program and favors the new general education proposal.
11 General education evaluation outlined
Remington--Thomas Joseph (English Faculty)
Feels that the new general education proposal is unacceptable.
12 Iowa agriculture needs Junkins
Feels that if Lowell Junkins is not elected to be Iowa's next governor, Iowa farms will be doomed.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Course needed in G.E.
Robinson--James B. (Philosophy and Religion Facult
Urges inclusion of course in world religions.
14 Critical letters answered
Thakur--Shivesh C. (Philosophy and Religion Faculty)
Professor Thakur defends his remarks relating to religions of the world.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Grassley says budget dilemma is result of moral irresponsibility
Excerpts from remarks by Senator Grassley; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Senate approves general education policies
Bingham--Elizabeth (Class of 1915)
Approve administrative procedures including articulation with holders of the A. A. degree.
17 Trees planted as part of campus landscaping plan
Trees planted near Berg's corner and Visitor Center.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Radell sisters' 1980 contribution used to end 13-year Dome debt Foundation uses Radell gift to make last payment on bonds; Foundation also elected directors and governors.
19 Senior class gift Will vote at registration time.
20 Spring schedule available
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# Article Article Summary
21 What's Up Meetings and activities.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Election results Terry Branstad, Charles Grassley, and John McIntee are winners.
23 UNISA surveys campus for unlighted areas; expresses opposition to U. S. Contra aid
Hawes--Christine E. (Class of 1990)
Believes students have concern for safety.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Causes of stress are pinpointed
Klocke--Marci Ann (Class of 1987)
Ann Vernon talks about ways of dealing with stress.
25 Guide helps students to survive college
Mary Pieper talks about the Student's Survival Guide.
26 New library director ready to inform students
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Profile of Barbara Jones; outline of her plans for the library; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
27 UNIPA officers named for 1986 Marvel and Bob Mayberry are co-presidents; list of other officers.
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# Article Article Summary
28 "Color of Money" a good sequel
A review of the movie "The Color of Money."
29 Try-outs for UNI Cheerleaders Schedule.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Faculty/student dining program now available
Students may invite a faculty member for a meal.
31 Families focus of workshop Mary Franken will lead workshop.
32 Notice Judo Club accepting new members.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Hoop squads continue to prepare for season openers
Four players are out with injuries; photo.
34 Road test for Panthers tomorrow
UNI will take on the Montana State Bobcats in hopes of a spot in the playoffs; photo.
35 Runners hope to regain AMCU-8 title tomorrow
Last year the Panthers placed second.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Becker making big impact
A profile of freshman volleyball player Bobbi Becker; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Spikers return to face two Gateway foes
UNI will take on Wichita State, followed by Missouri State and Iowa.
38 UNI's 'Superhammer' leads by example
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
A profile of senior football player Mike Farley; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Gateway meet tomorrow for women runners
Championships will be held in Springfield, Missouri.