Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Singin' in the snow!
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Rhonda Storbeck digs her car out of the fourteen inches of snow Cedar Falls received last week; photo.
2 Students call for state to aid university costs
Bingham--Elizabeth (Class of 1915)
Connie Hessburg addresses the Board of Regents.
3 Yancy Beavers resigns post; takes job at Texas university
Hawes--Christine E. (Class of 1990)
Will go to University of Texas-Houston.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Kwitchersnivlin'
Williams--Todd Allen (Class of 1989)
Two students experience the beginning of winter.
5 UNI does not have 'free press'
Chung--David R.
Feels that the "Northern Iowan" does not qualify as 'free press.'
6 Whim
Feels the Reagan administration is more caring of the military than education.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Bigotry marks Reagan years
Weldon--Stephen (Class of 1971)
Defends a controversial flier.
8 Budget request presented early
Criticizes an editorial about "Northern Iowan" funding.
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# Article Article Summary
9 New members named to Publication Board
Jerry Klinkowitz and Mary Franken will join board; some questions about reasons for changes.
10 UNI to debate British about McCarthyism
McCombs--Gail (Class of 1988)
Ron Reicks and Gregg Fishbein will represent UNI.
11 Winter Scene
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
A view of the snowy outdoors; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Air compressor bursts heating, air-conditioning pipes in Bartlett
Witt--Nancy (Student--1985-1988)
Several offices receive water damage.
13 What's Up Meetings and activities.
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# Article Article Summary
14 UNISA considers outreach plan
Hawes--Christine E. (Class of 1990)
Considers holding constituent meetings and conducting opinion surveys.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Student major choices may reflect pressures, economy
A look at the majors student select and the reasons for selecting them.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Exchange holds many possibilities
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Students talk about their NSE experiences; photo.
17 Fine cuisine only one offering of food fair
Good food plus entertainment; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 'Marvelous satire' is key to this film
A review of Spike Lee's "She's Gotta Have It."
19 Feature Notes . . . Workshop on holiday stress to be held.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Phi-Lambda honored; scholarships awarded Phi Alpha Theta named best chapter in competition with similar schools; three students receive home economics scholarships.
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# Article Article Summary
21 'Alternative' debut is successful
Danielson--Darwin W. (Class of 1987)
Lawther Hall's alcohol-free party went well.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Spikers look to qualify for Nationals
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
UNI will open the tournament playing against Southern Illinois; photo.
23 UNI needs win to keep playoff hopes alive
UNI football is nearly in the top twenty; photo.
24 UNI wrestlers to face tough field tomorrow
UNI will begin its wrestling season with the Nebraska-Omaha Open.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Key enjoying relaxed UNI lifestyle
Profile of football player Thelonius Key; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Bradley, Western next for swimmers
UNI will participate in a co-ed meet against Western Illinois; photo.