Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Am I blue?
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Trees in George Wyth State Park; photo.
2 Faculty Senate sends Dead Week to committee
Thomas--Daniel Carl (Class of 1988)
EPC will report to Senate in the fall.
3 Hauser to be Commencement speaker at May 14 graduation ceremonies
Profile of Robert Hauser.
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# Article Article Summary
4 'Dead Week' deserves to die Points out significant problems with proposal.
5 Council of Presidents sets dorm promotion
Council of Hall Presidents
Believes higher room and board rates push students out of the dorms, which only pushes rates higher.
6 Fire at Iowa proves need for fire funding
Believes General Assembly should fund fire safety improvements.
7 The Human Element
McKinlay--Michael John (Classes of 1986 and 1990;
A look a spring.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Lyon lists what he learned
Lyon--Howard William (Chemistry Faculty)
Professor Lyon responds to the letters addressed to him.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Five TES awards given to incoming students
Thomas--Daniel Carl (Class of 1988)
List of Teacher Education Scholarship winners.
10 Students help with Model UN
Eight hundred high school students attend; Amy Gretter talks about the activities and organization.
11 What's Up Meetings and activities.
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# Article Article Summary
12 UNI's Kappa Delta Pi members travel to national education convention
Four students attend convention in New Orleans.
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# Article Article Summary
13 A 'wash' in the warmth of spring
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
Students wash car.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Are we there yet?
Marathon class on the run; photo.
15 Movie Review: a look at the Oscars
Review of Oscar-worthy films in 1987-88.
16 ODK to initiate members into organization Sunday
List of new initiates; description of the group's activities.
17 This week in UNI history..
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# Article Article Summary
18 Family challenged by more than size
Suchomel--Lisa (Student--1986-1988)
Profile of the Swarbrick family; photo.
19 Simulation activities provide experience
Will give students a look at being handicapped.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Disabled find help, hindrances at UNI; Increased awareness can bring change
A look at the services available to handicapped students at UNI.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Heir to speak Monday on meeting challenges
Moore--Lisa E. (Class of 1988)
Doug Heir will speak; photo.
22 UNI taking steps to improve accessibility for handicapped
A look at campus improvements aimed at accessibility.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Dorm Life--But Not as We Know It
Walker--Michael Edward (Class of 1991)
Talks about men and dancing.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Four match win streak ends for UNI tennis squad in 7-2 loss to Iowa State
Morse--Julie A. (Class of 1988)
UNI lost to Iowa State on Tuesday, 7-2; photo.
25 Mudra is all smiles after one week of spring drills
UNI coach Darrell Mudra is pleased with the team's performances thus far in spring practice; photo.
26 Ninth annual bench press competition Tuesday in PEC
The intramural bench press competition will be Tuesday night.
27 Scores improve due to good playing conditions
UNI participated in the Bradley Invitational last weekend.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Willard may be drafted by Cowboys
Bartelt--Brad S. (Class of 1989)
Kevin Willard is one of the Dallas Cowboys candidates for the 1988 NFL draft; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Panther baseball team downed by intra-state rival, Hawkeyes
UNI lost to Iowa on Tuesday, 13-1; photo.