Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Iowa's next big crisis: a shortage of nannies? Barbara Chaney reveals why families from both coasts aggressively seek nannies who were raised in Iowa.
2 Northern Iowa professor: women's self-perceptions warped. Michael Klassen studied the self perception of body weight among men and women, and found that women were far more likely to over-estimate their own size and weight.
3 Position announcement. Position title: broadcast news editor. Primary function, characteristic duties and responsibilites listed.
4 Recycling on the rise: consumers, get ready to sort through that garbage! John Konefes says the success story of the aluminum can program has encouraged similar efforts in other industries, and says the day will soon come when consumers have to sort all their recyclable garbage into different piles on the curb.
5 Road from Iowa's caucuses ends anti-climactically in California today. Robert Ross says despite its huge delegate prize, today's event in the Golden State will likely prove an anti-climactic end to what has otherwise been a colorful 1988 campaign.
6 Stereotype of unemployed workers' problems called to question. Traditionally we have viewed unemployment as a homewreking, marriage straining phenomenon. But a study completed by Dennis Clayson may call into question that stereotype.